I don’t see anything shiny. Just paint on the legs.
We may not get to see a Ghostbusters sequel, but these ten minutes of Kate McKinnon riffing as mad scientist Holtzman…
Yes, because Barb is all of us. And we are glad that she is alive and having a good, albeit spooked, life. Barb is the chubby, sensible highschooler in all of us, who did our homework, followed the rules, treated others with respect. The overachiever who didn’t get invited to the cool kids parties. The nerdy girl who…
I wish it were outdated. I’m in my 20's and a white dude in his 20's asked me if I was a mulatto last year. I am, and I was unamused by his asking. The word really irks me out because in order to know it/use it in this day and age you have to know that it’s a fucked up thing to call someone.
I wrote about it on my blog and have been talking about it for years, to blind eyes and deaf ears. Pretty much every celeb who is touted as a “feminist role model” or whatever has worked with an abuser or a sex offender, knowingly. All of those people who protect those insiders are despicable.
As a major Cumberbatch person, I was disgusted by how much he was praising Harvey after the crappy code movie, and still described himself as a feminist. #myfaveisproblematic
Not my favorite statement either. But I am also struggling to reword without understating the culpability of those who work with these people in a system that continues to laud offenders and shame victims.
I agree wholeheartedly with her intent, but telling people that they are no better than the offenders that they work with is a massive overstatement, and likely counterproductive to the overall goal.
I would buy that house for my Dad if I had the money, only because Churchill would turn over in his grave if an Indian family moved into it. That racist shit. I understand the (sometimes) importance of historical context, but in his case, hell no.
I’m so happy I live less than 30 mins from my mom and dad so I get to see them at least twice a week. Friends are much harder because even though they are closer, everyone is on different schedules with different responsibilities. It’s really hard to stay connected in person these days. I’m so lame cuz I always rsvp…
That’s the issue now. People are not making friends or even having face time with the friends they already have. You see them on Facebook/Instagram every second of the day so you feel updated on their lives and everyone just moves on. We’re all so lonely and the lonelier we get, the more we dive deeper into social…
As a historian, I understand the desire to find that rare source. That want to have that knowledge, that understanding.
That doesn’t ring true to me either. I know it’s hip to say that social media and selfies are heralding the downfall of society, but I was crushingly, agonizingly critical of my appearance way before I started using social media.
I think everything can be good or bad and it’s a part of being a healthy grown-up to figure out which is which. Internet certainly veers into more of an unhealthy place for me (and many others). A lot of people can drink wine at the end of the day at home. I can’t. It becomes a crutch. Sometimes figuring out your…
Well, sure they (we, I) do. Because you are told that you are meant to achieve and to aim high, to be the standard-bearer for all women before and after you, seeking to be successful in their careers and lives. It’s enormous pressure. I think, on balance, I’d rather have that pressure than worry about physical beauty,…
I think a lot of women, especially those who were praised for their brains instead of their looks put tremendous pressure on themselves to be high achieving and successful. It becomes a big part of their self worth and when it starts spiraling out of control they are completely unprepared to handle it.
I agree. It’s good and bad. There are some days when I’m at my lowest and I can logically know that people are not being 100% honest on Facebook. I KNOW this. But emotionally I fall into a hole where I think everyone is happier and more pulled together than I am. And sometimes the support groups turn into a mutual…
Yes, this totally resonated with me. Which is why I also take a tiny bit of issue with this:
Reading the first paragraph, where Christine asks a friend if the friend has noticed that “I nod a little too sympathetically” and the woman says “no,” indicating that “this is all in her head,” gave me chills.