At the height of their fertility, female cetaceans mate as many as 15 times in 15 minutes with two or three males, Orbach said.
At the height of their fertility, female cetaceans mate as many as 15 times in 15 minutes with two or three males, Orbach said.
This makes me so uncomfortable.
Any diet advice that says THIS IS BAD NEVER EAT/DRINK IT is bullshit. Except, maybe, don’t eat radioactive waste. That shit really is bad for you.
“I think our side’s been proven very strongly”
THIS! Republicans can’t agree on anything so OF COURSE it’s the Dems fault because clearly there is something in the water or something stupid like that.
And yet it’s still supposedly the Dem’s fault for Trump being unable to enact his agenda. I live in a constant state of “flabbergasted” at this point.
Does he deserve all of it?
I agree. Trump and Republicans finally have their moment to put their money where their mouth is and do almost whatever they want, and they have had virtually no ability to execute. All the straw man arguments they’ve used for the last few decades have left them with no ability to comprehend the political realities…
Ryan Seacrest is The Worst™ and is already everywhere. This news gives me a sad.
It’s mid-60s female early retiree now helping out at the local library on Wednesday afternoons.
Based on that pic I will refer to him as Clairol Shag Mullett and nothing else.
Sheer and cut outs can go die in a hole. It’s no longer edgy or shocking, it’s just boring. On everyone, no one makes sheer or cutouts interesting.
This may be a “me-only” thing but I’m not sure why Jennifer Lopez is still a thing. Like she hasn’t made any of her bad movies or music in ages. But she looks incredible, so I guess that explains it.
I also thought it was sad....and true. I had to up my dose of anxiety medication in January because I was waking up in a cold sweat basically every morning, worrying that my city or my husband’s (iconic and media-related) office building would be attacked. I still worry about those things but with more of a vague…
My laughs all sound like screams these days.
The part where Marge is so stressed that she’s started popping pills four years worth of pills in less than 100 days really did make me sad.
Yes, it is funny.
People really do not need opioids unless they are receiving palliative care or have just had major surgery. We have become so afraid of feeling any kind of pain (that combined with drug companies pushing opioid use) in our society that we have created a nation of millions of addicts.
Stop letting doctors give out prescriptions in other peoples names. This happens way to often.
I never understood the hate on this show due to people were conflating Lena Dunham with a character she created. I remember when 30 Rock came out, and a Slate critic said that Tina Fey hasn’t been single since the Clinton administration so therefore she wouldn’t know how to write dialogue for Liz Lemon.