Agreed. I’ve been a Girls (And Dunham) apologist but this baby thing coupled with the ridiculous Adam/Jessa movie subplot makes me really doubt they’ll stick the landing in the finale.
Agreed. I’ve been a Girls (And Dunham) apologist but this baby thing coupled with the ridiculous Adam/Jessa movie subplot makes me really doubt they’ll stick the landing in the finale.
congrats! It can be very true, becoming a parent can push you into being very grown up, and it’s not weird that it would do that to Hannah as well. I think because she’s so self-absorbed that viewers have connected that with being unable to care or feel. Abortion is an interesting issue-I have 2 kids, one I found…
I can imagine. For anyone of a certain age (and I believe you, and certainly I qualify), the saga of Nancy Kerrigan is an eternal cultural/vaguely comedic touchstone (tragedy + time, and all that).
Did they really “cover” those topics, though? So, Jessa didn’t show up for an abortion, Mimi-Rose had one that we didn’t experience or witness (although i am 100% all for her nonchalant attitude towards it), and the miscarriage i can’t remember... who was that? Jessa?
You know, it is a tired trope, BUT — I have to admit that, as a 44-year-old woman who has never had kids, I feel like I’ve dodged the “fully growing up bullet” big time. In many ways, other than being in a better financial place and not going out nearly as much, I live a LOT like I did when I was in my 20s. Because I…
fucking PREACH. This is SO out of character for Hannah. It’s a responsibility that she’s uninterested in and incapable of. there’s no fucking way Hannah wouldn’t run to the nearest PP to get it resolved. fuckin shit
I’m super fucking pissed THIS is how Hannah Horvath is going out. She’s fucking selfish and immature. there’s no fucking way she’d actually keep that child. Lena and crew had an opportunity to tackle the topic of abortion and yet we’re getting this “look how grown up i am” Hannah keeping her child... to raise with…
Well, judging by the 100+ comments on this post within a couple hours I wager your “hot take” is at least a teeny bit wrong.
You are correct. It makes no sense. I cringe at the thought of this character being responsible for another life. Poor fake tee vee baby, nooooooooo.
I dunno, I like the baby plot line. I feel Hannah getting an abortion would be the obvious choice for her. Plus they already did an abortion plotline in season one. I think the fact that she’s having the baby is interesting for her character. Having a baby doesn’t make you a bad feminist.
I believe that they’ve been setting up Adam being a dad for a while now. Caring for his sister’s baby, having a girlfriend have an abortion without telling him and him going ballistic...He’s going to step in and raise the baby for sure.
I’m disappointed in the plot choice of the pregnancy. It seems like fucking with the viewers. It also plays into the old chestnut of a woman’s movie always having to end with a baby or a wedding. That’s when a woman’s story end, doncha know.
Your idea is my fav so far. It is so improbable that Hannah has managed to scrape by this long, seeing her end up back in Michigan makes so much sense to me.
Wow, it’s ending after six seasons and I’ve still only watched that one scene of Allison Williams getting her ass eaten out.
I have loved Girls ever since it started but to be honest this baby plot is ruining the whole thing for me. I will be so disappointed if that’s how it ends.
I’m frustrated because of how little it makes sense for her to want to have this baby. It doesn’t remotely correlate with anything her character has said or done. It’s impulsive and that’s the only thing that is Hannahesque. I will be annoyed if she goes through with it. Unless Elijah is right and they show her being…
I FUCKING hate Marnie. So god damn much. HATE HER.
I hated Shoshana or however you spell that horrible name. But as time went on, I actually began to like her. She feels like she’s actually grown the most out of all these terrible women that somehow I identify with.
Did I mention I hate Marnie?
When I watched Get Out, I…
real talk.