Ugh, David Blaine.
Ugh, David Blaine.
Everything I have read about Carrie Fisher since her death has made me love her even more. This is an amazing way to go.
I can’t even begin to aspire to that level of genius.
Seriously. People are such dicks.
“They’re not total abomination rapes where strangers are being dragged off the streets,” Rose later said at a Community Council meeting Wednesday night.
So fitting! Did you post this gif after the Orlando nightclub shooting too?
If we all just offer up enough Thoughts and Prayers (tm), we’ll never have another mass shooting again.
Maybe you’ll like the videos Mitch makes with bandmate Scott; we laughed a little too hard at their recap of “Stranger Things.”
John Oliver IRL*
Being a white girl makes you unfit to post anything here. FWIW I did catch their Netflix doc and I think their music is technically impressive and they seem like great people. At least they can sing in tune live. Unlike Solange Knowles
They’re actually not auto-tuned. Or if they are, they don’t have to be. They’re all really tight and the four boys have genuinely unusual vocal gifts.
I have loved these guys for a long time as well. As a singer, I appreciate what they do technically, but I also just love listening to it.
I present to you this hot mess.
WHY do people like them?? I LIKE acapella and I can’t stand them. They are so cloying and pretentious and obnoxious. They’re like a Chicken Soup for the Soul book come to life.
“Me and the little Lannister”
Did you date Andy Bernard? Glad you got out of that situation homie.
Why is the album joyless? Please elaborate.
This, actually, IS the hill I’m willing to die upon.