
I told someone today that I was sorry to be born a woman. I am truly in a dark place.

Oh, I’m gonna get violent. America just told me that I didn’t matter. I’m completely past the point of compromising, being civil and hoping for a better tomorrow.

Right now I am too stunned and heart-broken to be angry. I woke up at 4 a.m. and saw the news. When I fell back asleep I dreamed that my bed was infested with weird, tiny, bugs.

i am angry today. i am fucking raging.

Get angry. Feel that anger. Keep it. Hold it tight. Never forget how it feels.

His campaign managers could’ve saved themselves months of headaches if they’d just changed his password to something other than ‘password’ when this shit stopped being a joke and turned into a nightmare.

Are you serious?? I thought this was shockingly horrible and embarrassing. She was off key and could only sing in a weak falsetto. Are we afraid of the bey hive backlash or something?

1) You think “celebrities” don’t grieve like normal people? Seriously?

E! truly gets the bottom of the barrel at every quarter because their entire brand is the Kardashians 1) no show will ever match its gargantuan brand as equal-level content that they can legitimately make into a themed night 2) because the Ks are not professionals, they are constantly looking for specific

Do you think all the celebs who do this nonsense are totally in on the scam?

So why the FUCK was he given a show?

I’ve written this comment on another article about him before but here goes:

Your total disgust for him is so fun to read. At 35, I don’t care what most 20 year olds have to say about life and I sure as fuck don’t need to hear what they have to say about the afterlife. Useless little grifter.

From his words, I get the tingly *feeling* that he is more so trying to convince himself of his supernatural abilities, than he is trying to convince his readers. It seems like his internal narrative is: “It must be legit, because I thought it before they validated it.” Anyway, I thought that when we die (given

I thought he was Canadian. He always talked like he lived in some remote village far, far away from human contact or cable. His town has 55,000 people living there. I grew up in a smaller city!

The whole concept of “mediums” just grosses me out. I believe that there are some people out there who have a more developed sense of intuition than others, but this whole business about “the spirits” actually communicating through them is utter nonsense. If there’s a hell (which I don’t think there is), there is a

Why does this 20 year old have an obscene amount of Botox?

1. Money 2. Because she’s an ignorant, racist hypocrite.

I love my son more than anything, but on a daily basis, if I have a minute or two, I wish I could do whatever the fuck I wanted, whenever I want. Every single day I feel like that.

My one regret at this moment having no kids is knowing a bunch of really shitty people are breeding humans they will then raise to be shitty, and I have taken no part in balancing that out.