
The number of mistakes in your comment is disrespectful and rude to the English language.

Hey there are tons of farms in my area too. Several right down the street, in fact, growing all manner of awesome stuff. And no shortage of beauty either - mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, you name it. That’s part of what makes it nice to live here, but a bigger part is people not being racist shitbags.

So if they were playing a Jewish school and had a sign that said “get ready for a second Holocaust”, would you commend them for that?

Ugh, why are you people being SO PC. It’s just a SIGN. And KIDS being KIDS as they are in the locker room!

I think an appropriate punishment would be to force these people to continue to live in rural southern Ohio.

Any time I see things like this I think to myself, “how did no one think this was wrong?” How many people saw that before it went on the bus, and everyone thought “yeah this is fine.”

Some of us are “some people”. Congrats on being privileged and rich enough not to have to give any fucks about society, though. That must be sweet.

It is super telling about every single one of your privileges that you brush off his dangerous racism, misogyny, ableism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, love for murderous tyrants, and ignorance with a mere “...worse for some people, but calm your little heads”. Seriously? Get stuffed.

Waitrose is the fanciest supermarket in the UK by quite a stretch. It’s worth checking out #overheardinwaitrose on twitter to get an idea of what it’s like.

I should wear hats to the grocery more often.

Sounds like we’re from similar areas.

I work with a Mormon man who flames pretty hard, but he’s married with kids. I don’t live in Utah, but my boss used to, and said it’s pretty common on there.

Well, you know, “Heavenly Father” wouldn’t give these “trials” to people unless he thought they were “strong enough.” Or had a “lesson to learn.”Or would allow others to receive “blessings” by “ministering” to them. Or these people “chose” their “affliction” in the “pre-existence.” Or some shit.

What confuses me the most is why anyone would worship this god. Apparently, god is a spiteful, cruel asshole who makes people gay, and then demands that they never have a fulfilling romantic relationship. If they did they would be sinning, and he would punish them for something that he caused.

I think this election has Megyn Kelly coming to a realization.... these people are not your friends.

I had to pause the video and take a moment when Newt fucking Gingrich accused Fox fucking News of liberal bias.

This Victoria’s Secret Angels outtake photo is one way to respond, but I don’t know if it’s quite right.

I’ve been seeing a TON of Hillary signs here in central Texas (and I don’t live in a large city). There’s hope even in solidly red states!

I would be reporting assholes like that all day to the cops. 2nd amendment blah blah blah I’m not going to take your gun away but I will get you fined for harassment with a firearm. The second amendment doesn’t say anything about letting people intimidate others with a weapon.