
Yep. I’ve been described in several occasions as being ‘curt’ and on several more as being ‘a bitch’. The reality is that I’m very short and neutral when dealing with people because I don’t want them thinking I want to take my clothes off. Hell, even then I’ve been told I’m playing ‘hard to get’ and that I shouldn’t

Ugh I know. They are THE WORST AMIRITE?? Next thing you know those trashy whores will be showing up at women’s shelters with toys and books for the kids. TERRIBLE!

Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones spent Saturday dressed in their Ghostbusters costumes, visiting patients at the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center.

Leslie, this trans woman thanks you for avoiding (almost) all snark in this post. It’s very easy when writing about something strange or uncomfortable to put distance between yourself and the subject with snark or intellectualism - at a time when I don’t really know to trust GM writers to handle sensitive issues, this

Watching Caitlin’s mother process these things, and ask the questions that scare her... I am now crying at work. Thanks Jezebel.

Her mom is pretty awesome

Caitlyn Jenner should be whoever she wants to be.

This made me burst into tears. Seeing them all in one space...

It’s amazing how many trolls online will say, “where’s the proof that this happened?” Here is your proof. No more anonymity, all guts. I applaud them.

I love the open chair at the end of the line. It’s silently implying so many things. Because you KNOW there are more out there. And more women that will be raped by others. It's almost an open invitation to other victims to feel like they could step up and join those women who were able to come forward.

Thank you.

I actually just hiked around this area a week ago. You’d be surprised at how it can look if you down in the canyons near rivers or creeks (which still run). Lots of trees and undergrowth:

Oh wait, they were brother and sister.

Seriously. Whoopi is awful. Nicole Wallace, the token republican is terrible. Their guest hosts are normally far more interesting than they are, Rosie Perez was the only one tolerable most of the time...except for her obsession with boxing and UFC

Whoopsi went after Paula Deen even though “no charges have been filed” and “she has not been found guilty” and “innocent until proven guilty” . I guess Paula should have drugged and raped then Woop would be defending her.

Or just cancel the show completely and replace it with aa burning Christmas yule log.

Let’s also get Whoopi Goldberg replaced by a broken garbage chute.

I can’t hear the phrase “doing sex” without imagining the speaker is at least 80.

I’m with you on this!

As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.