Every bf I have had has ghosted me for no reason. The beauty of it was, they all would come crawling back after a few months and I have never taken them back. So satisfying.
Every bf I have had has ghosted me for no reason. The beauty of it was, they all would come crawling back after a few months and I have never taken them back. So satisfying.
I have a dear friend who was ghosted. It was one of the cruelest things I’ve ever seen and it took so much longer to recover that I think it would have from a “regular” breakup.
Yeah, too many people think “don’t stop” means “faster!”
But there’s one thing, above all else, that you should remember as she gets close to orgasm: do not change what you’re doing in terms of routine and pacing.
That is going to crush somebody.
At 40 (hell, at 50 or 60, or 70, etc.), one is not old: one is old-er than before. Since evidence is mounting that the younger one feels, as in if one feels or thinks about themselves as a young-er person or as a young person, longevity increases. I stopped using ageist language when I realized it was coloring my…
Nah, 60’s the new 40.
Old at 40? Heh, at 40 I was just hitting my stride. Try being over 60. Now, that’s getting into the “old” range.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH deep thoughts, man. Keep ‘em coming.
Always test mirrors if you're in a room with one. Put your fingernail against the glass. There should be a gap between your finger and its reflection. If there's no gap, you got a two-way mirror.
I actually projected an image I really liked on a wall and then painted it... it's relatively easy to do and everyone is super impressed.
Has someone said this? Thank you for reading this so I don’t have to.
Ah... thanks for the explanation. But yeah, still seems super tone deaf to call herself homeless when she was chilling in the presidential suite of a fancy hotel in the last episode of RHONY. It’s the same as with Shailene Woodley calling herself homeless - yes, technically, you don’t have an address, but for you it’s…
Her section on hormonal women is just bizarre to me. I’ve seen the trope of “women be crazy” for, gosh, my entire life? Yet I’m surrounded by women (personally, professionally, just walkin’ down the street) and NEVER have I noticed or suspected a woman acting irrationally strictly because of PMS. Has anyone?
Listen, Bethenny- you do you boo. You go out and you get it. But I was at a wedding shower and somebody gave me a “Skinny Girl” cocktail and it tasted like poison. I legitimately mourned for the alcohol.
She really is. She had actually first had him as a student in second grade, so she knew him from the time he was a very small child. She had to know that his home life was a sad one. It was 100% taking advantage of someone who needed love, attention, and affection because she was unhappy in her first marriage, or…
“She needs to give up that dream like yesterday.”
What kind of life experiences does a woman have to have in order to turn into the kind of person who says "oh yea, every one of those women are just making it all up"?
There are 136 replies to this. Please tell me that I'm not the only one suggesting that we maybe act like human beings and not make fun of a 20 year old kid who had something hideously embarrassing happen to him on television? Maybe? Just this once?