
Indeed. If I decide to drive like a race car, then I commit. I will not get rear ended being an aggressive driver... I may hit something in front of me, but I don't use the coward pedal for sure.

Just from the gif, what the fuck was the red car doing hitting the brakes?

her costumer just like- my god, can he dress her, she keeps looking FANTASTIC.

Elisabeth Moss for the love of all that is good and holy could you please stand up straight in that photo? You look fab! Stop slouching! (I'm channeling a former dance teacher in here somewhere.)

Damn, girl. Wear this color FOREVER.

Haha no I'm the same way. I didn't even notice George Lucas, all I saw was Alda at first.

Can I just tell you that when I saw Alan Alda I jumped out of my chair and screamed "ALAN ALDA!!! OMG THERE'S ALAN ALDA!!!" And then I got super teary because he looked so happy to be there. I am a hundred years old.

Right. I don't want a prize, but also, don't basically tell me to shut up. That doesn't do anyone any good.

I thought it was a wonderful piece, but I sincerely doubt that most good white people—or at least the good white people who run in my circles—believe that they "deserve a fucking prize." I think they're expressing empathy.

It is awfully close to "So ARTICULATE!"

I guess the question is "How can white people be supportive of the issue without seeming to demean or take over the issue? " If white people don't talk talk about what they do in the situation, then the narrative is that white people are ignoring the issue (which so many do). If white people talk about the issue,

I find most of this essay very powerful. One area I wonder about is where you think good white people feel like they should be rewarded - what should good white people do then? Not delete trolls? Not be outraged? Keep the outrage to themselves? I understand the frustration of people seemingly wanting to be

Well, that's one way to tailgate

Exactly - now that I know her age I can see it, but it's her charisma and boisterous personality that makes her appear young. She has a lot more energy than other cast members in the last few years, regardless of age.

If you are a not a police officer, I thought the generally accepted rule was to not pull a gun unless you intend to use it. The fact that it's opposite for police officers is pretty striking. It's a gun, not a security blanket.

Yeah man, and I would bet that ~plenty~ of people who are lucky or dumb enough to be unaware of police violence levels would read that and be like, "Well, why shouldn't a cop draw a gun whenever he wants even if there's no reason for him to? He's a cop, that's the reason. That's his job, to pull out a gun."

Next headline:

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.

For all the dead ppl

I find it remarkably insulting in this context. Here 'diva' sounds like code for a couple of bitches duking it out in public.