
As a therapist, I cringe at the number of people involved in this interview, too. Talking about a young girl's rape is never very comfortable for anyone—nor should it be. However, it definitely feels like this is subject matter well beyond the ability of the hosts to tackle. Their discomfort is understandable but

Barbara was, bizarrely, missed.

Just for god's sake don't buy anything.

Exactly on point. And you know you fucked up when even the paparazzi seem disgusted by your comment...

Actually, racist and transphobic jokes are the opposite of funny. She is the worst, and anyone who continues to defend her bigoted ass is also the worst.

I know plenty of old people who aren't bigots. This is not an excuse we should be using anymore. This is a shitty fucking excuse and lazy as hell. We as humans INCLUDING OLDER PEOPLE are better than this shit.

Yeah, remind me again why I'm supposed to think Joan Rivers is some kind of comic genius? And there's so many layers to her choosing this specific insult too. The masculization of black women ties into the way we're seen as tough work horses, able to take pain, and available to be abused. It's just racism, misogyny,

Probably because her body IS tiny.

I...don't think they will.

Straight white guy here. No - we pretty much suck. Especially if you take us in aggregate over the last 500 years. Most problems are caused by us, or at least made worse by us.

On behalf of my corner of the species, I'm sorry.

Except for all the ones that don't.

The Duggars make their older kids take care of their younger ones, though, and have been quoted as saying something like "well they weren't all going to make it into college anyway."

I hate how they refuse to educate their children, especially their daughters. That and how Jim Bob doesn't really seem to care about any of the kids and Michelle loses interest once they aren't infants anymore.

Oh very true, the whole children raising children is the worst offense for a family like this. They are robbing their children of being able to self-direct their lives.

Their kids are getting an extremely sub par education. One of the older sisters has been in charge of homeschooling the younger ones for a long time. None of the older kids have attended college. Their oldest son worked for the family until he got his current job through cronyism/fame.

Self supporting with the money they make from a television show that they have to keep interesting by continuing to have children.

and that they hated each other

lolwtf, are all their sponsorships going to get taken away if she stops shitting out kids or what?

This person needs to quit his or her job and come work with me. I am (essentially) a professional ass-wiper and I have a cavalcade of ass-wiping ditties. The greatest hits are "Tangled Up In Poo," "Oh Danny boy, the wipes the wipes are calling" (when the wipee is named Danny), and the holiday classic "Let's Wipe Your

Someone once wrote on yelp that I was off-putting because I walked too quietly.