
This seems like a good place to copy + paste my comment on the Gawker post.

Do you know that for sure, or did the cat bolt out the door when Mom opened it to run to her kid? Even if it was, a free-roaming cat and a free-roaming dog aren't equivalent in terms of public safety.

That being said, I never let my cats out, and I don't really think other people should either.

This gif is adorable, but it wasn't so adorable when my 11lb cat was doing this to me at 3am this morning. Okay, a little bit adorable, but only a little.

I'm looking at you, people who think your dog is friendly and well-behaved enough to be off of a leash. You're all assholes.

What a good cat, holy crap. I hope the mayor gives it the key to the city.

Today is a day for Team Cat.

It's scary how fast that dog went from "I'm just a dog running around like a dog" to viciously attacking that child. It's just so unlike the dogs I have known! Thank goodness for that badass cat.

I didn't get that impression. I think she was just trying to come across more credible than she is. The "Mr. Sterling" is supposed to add an air of professionalism - cuz ya know...she's his "personal assistant" and all. I think the slowness comes from using terms and syntax that is not germane.

But the joke went on too damned long and stopped being funny (like many SNL sketches).

This would be really convenient but I have ethical problems with it. The TSA is able to make rules with no oversight or approval from other bodies, and then they are allowed to accept money in exchange for allowing people to get around those rules. That's a bribe. Giving them money to treat you better reinforces the

Oh ye gods, the way he holds that binky like it is the most precious thing in the world, and the way he looks down at it and looks back up and looks down at it again and looks back up... No, I'm not crying; it's just raining — on my face.

when the fuck did social media become the vehicle for "pride"? Pride is a feeling, not an action (posting shit to facebook is an action).

Of course they found a bib posted on Instagram, because no one enjoys self-congratulatory back-patting more than marathon runners. Besides, what makes these four bozos any worse than the hundreds, if not thousands, who have done the same thing at this and similar events over the years? I'm all for a good internet

Filed to: Racist Comments on a Gawker Media site

1) They're no more of a security risk in the middle of the street running as they are on the sidewalk next to the street.

If you are a grown-ass person running a marathon explicitly for a medal... you have bigger fish to fry. The t-shirt is probably a better prize.

Well I agree that anyone, both men and women, should have the autonomy to do whatever they wish with their bodies. And by and large they do. But this has nothing to do with feminism, because it's a concept that's not restricted to just women. Men, women, gay, lesbian, trans... there is a long list of people that

Smokey Robinson's "Tears of a Clown" is the perfect choice for this montage, but the best irony here - I've run into him lots of times around West Hollywood, he's a lovely man, but this is no exaggeration - I don't think his face has any mobility left, either (he's 74!):

isn't the whole point of co-ed adult kickball to get laid?