
sigh, there always is

Everything he says is calculated to get the largest group of people - no matter who they are or why they’re doing it - to adulate him. It has nothing to do with bettering the country or its people. It’s 100% about feeding a tiny, terribly man’s ego.

No. Grieve another way.

I gotta fuck a couple times.

Yikes, that was cringey

Coulda done without the cartoon sound effects

Yeah but the grownup stuff meaning “savvy humor and winking references to culture”, not where Kermit actually talks about boning Piggy.

Yes, I saw a story last night about this and they showed a clip from the new show where Kermit’s talking about how Piggy used to be “sexy”. I don’t want to hear Kermit talking about sexy. It’s wrong for the character and the brand. You don’t need to update or adult-ify these characters. To do so is a money grab. This

Not enough men who were around him were vocal in the decades leading up to this, so now he has solidified his douchiness and is surrounded by even more yes men.

Yep, he’s one of a type of man for whom there are only two types of women: fuckable (valuable) and not fuckable (trash)

I’d love to see that list. Do you know where it is?

Too little, too late, grifters

and people are either friends or enemies.


The use of the word “innocent”, while not surprising for someone who has the vocabulary of a 7th grader, is odd - generally that word isn’t used unless we’re talking about someone on trial, or we’re talking about little children or kittens.

Now playing

Here’s what happens when the son of two Baptist preachers *becomes* an atheist:

There really IS something to be said (health-wise) for being able to spend a SECOND alone with yourself after your beloved wife dies, but we are so “in love with love” culturally that we tend to cheer anything that couples people up again ASAP and re-write the narrative as “that’s what [dead wife] would have wanted”

I’m single at 50 and I guarantee there are people who are say “I know why she’s alone” about me with no qualms. But if a grieving famous guy (whose work I love, by the way) marries someone a year after his wife dies, noone can say a word and it’s so beautiful he found someone, etc...

Agreed. I know I (we) sound like assholes for saying this, but it’s been a little over a year since she died. How do you mourn, take care of your grieving kid, date someone/s for long enough to know you want to marry them, and get engaged in that time?

But everyone’s still a-ok with onscreen depictions of men dating women 20 years younger, right? Because men dating someone their own age would just be so...ew.