
The people I know (adults) who are reeeeally into Disney tend to be somewhat infantalized, so change probably isn’t in their wheelhouse.

Aaand stay tuned for the worshipers who will want to correct you because she can do no wrong

it’s not enough to call her a good one because she hasn’t disowned her either. I know some parents of young adults who are Mormon and they came around in that they still have good relationships with their kids, but they did force a married lesbian couple to break up, so...

sure, and they’re both dangerous

For my $, that’s what loving parents would do, not stick around watching their child be berated and shunned by these discriminatory and hurtful beliefs.

This response is why I know that when crap magazines like Glamour start having “plus size” models and trans models, it’s nothing but pandering and pressure. Ultimately, they, along with the rest of the industry, wish women who wear over a size 10 would hide away so they have to see (us)

where do you get it? anywhere?

I just found a coconut chai powder that’s yummy

drink of the gods. my drink of choice all year round (black)

what does one...do with them?

She sounds smart so that adds unearned gravitas, and she’s pretty. Not nearly the hell enough.

But as is the case with most celebrity trends, involvement with the Kabbalah Center fell out of popularity almost as quickly as came into it.

well helloooo

I never have either. I’m definitely old though. But now that I know it, I like it!

YESSS she’s insufferable

Luckily, she’s gone gone gone

yep, can confirm, sadly

Paris Hilton is “smart” the way Trump is “smart”...

I’m gonna guess that bass is intentional. And don’t forget about “no condo”.

Truly. He’s repulsive, and there it is in one gif.