
If Kotaku can zombie on indefinitely after losing pretty much everyone, giantbomb will probably do the same.

How does a studio manage to trip over their own dicks as spectacularly as Sony? They are the Netflix of studios.

I don’t condone homosexuality."

I see that you are openly homophobic. Fuck you. 

We have the right to not be policed by your religion or deal with hate because you think your religion entitles you to be hateful towards people who aren’t a part of your religion. You’re free to believe whatever you want, but you also have no right to say a damned thing about anyone else’s life. You could just stay

The problem is he could have opted to say nothing.I doubt the Saudi government would have noticed. He chose to be out there with his intolerance  

It’s completely fair to cancel him. If Saudi Arabia wants to integrate in the larger world, they should be forced to recon with what that means. And yes that means having “collateral damage” but we should never forget that Saudi Arabia are the one causing that damage. Accepting homophobia under the pretence that he

And currently its social media mentions are a full-on culture war as fans defend a screenshot of one of its members disavowing the company’s recent Pride Month support for the LGBTQ+ community.

62. futile quarrel, the dishonest discussion, and having the taste for dispute.”

I guarantee he’s already guilty of at least 12 of these 

It took more effort for him to tweet homophobia and bigotry than to just keep his mouth shut. Should def be kicked out.

“I don’t agree with how he went about it, but it’s his religion and we have to respect it just like people apart of the lgbtq community should be respected,”

I’m sure this game will be good but man do I wish the gameplay was less of an action game. I don’t mind action RPGs but this seems more focused on being something like a Devil May Cry (considering they share a design lead, I guess that’s not surprising) and I very rarely feel like playing those games. It also feels

Entirely different development team, including writers

Actually, it seems like you generally fight other human-sized characters with your party and, when its time to fight a really big thing, you get your own really big thing to fight it with.

This just doesn’t feel like a game for me, and as a lifelong FF-fan that breaks my heart. I suck at action combat, don’t have the reflexes for it, and though I know they will have a diluted “story mode” with zero difficulty, I don’t think the story is strong enough to just watch as a visual novel.

I don’t think the engine has anything to do with the games’ visual direction. That’s an artistic choice, not a technical one. Case-in-point: the last few Guilty Gear and Mortal Kombat games have all used UE but they look completely different.

So, Final Godzilla Fantasy?

I was obviously talking about specifically about 6 and 12, neither of which were even remotely as popular as 7,8,10, or even 13 and 15 all were when they came out.

Now playing

Here’s the trailer, for those who weren’t watching live (from the roundup article):