
It is crispy, it’s delicious, it is SMALL.

Taco Bell usually has decent fried chicken, so no surprise.

It’s honestly so good. I don’t really eat any fast food other than Taco Bell, but this new addition is amazing. They honestly hit it out of the park with this

taco bell is fucking delicious and any suggestions to the contrary is heresy. i salute you, brother zack.

RP1 and DEH deserve each other.

And his egotistical insistence that the movie wouldn’t even exist without him.

100% agree. It’s not a blanket age, it’s the individual. Ben Platt looks like a 37 year old youth group pastor who plays acoustic songs about how alcoholism destroys family life.

It’s like the cast of Glee fucked the house band of a megachurch.

I’d feel more bad about dunking on someone this caustically if he didn’t get this role through pure nepotism in the first place.

Dear Evan Hansen works on Broadway about as well as Green Book works in theaters, which is to say that a whole lot of people loved it and it won awards and accolades and a whole lot of other people have been calling it baffling morally-bankrupt trash from the beginning.

More than anything, I just hate the fucking score, as well as the fact that this is what all Broadway shows sound like now. It’s like the cast of Glee fucked the house band of a megachurch.

Agreed. It’s a barely-coherent tightrope act of a plot that works on stage, but falls completely apart when translated to film

I need the narrative around Platt’s casting to shift from “Is 27 too old to play a teenager?” to “You can’t play a teenager when you look like what would happen if Albert Brooks fucked one of Phil Spector’s wigs.”

It’s not that he’s 27, it that he looks old as fuck. Kaitlyn Denver’s 24, and she’s positively baby-faced next to him. How anyone thought that doing... that to his hair would be a good idea is beyond me.

I just struggle to understand the why behind this movie, other than it was a hit on Broadway. DEH’s staging was fairly utilitarian and there aren’t really any big show-stopping numbers that would lend themselves to a glitzy Hollywood production or gigantic sets. If the impetus was to preserve Ben Platt’s performance,

Yeah there’s no way to frame this premise as a Feel Good Musical.

If anyone is interested in a movie with a similar premise (fake suicide note suddenly brings notoriety and possibly happiness to the protagonist) that realizes that premise should actually be a pitch black comedy, check out World’s Greatest Dad.

He unintentionally looks like Jack.