Little Animal

Thank you!!

Recently, new clinical indicators were released for accurate diagnosis of malnutrition. If he follows this the way he says he will, I predict he will meet acute malnutrition indicators in less than three weeks.

What this has taught me is that I would fuck almost anyone/thing if I could be debt free.

And how is that perfect tiny fighter?

Wow. People want to get too familiar too quick. Yes, I enjoyed our first two dates. Yes, I want to have a third date.No, you cannot come stay at my apartment for four days with your kids while I work all day. (This is a true story.)

They make for great stories, but living through them is not the best!


Definitely cook them down with an acid and some sugar!

I just moved to a new place six months ago. In the interest of meeting new people, I tried online dating. (You can check my post history for how that went. Spoiler alert: It was horrible.) Now I am wishing I would have spent more time meeting people through hobbies and volunteering. You may meet a partner, but if that…

Congratulations on getting out. You need to make your well-being a priority. I would highly recommend counseling to help you with setting boundaries and over-coming co-dependent behaviors. Now that you’ve lived through that, the behavior may leak into other relationships. You do not want to end up dating or marrying a…

I blew my own mind!! I didn’t even know that could happen. The pain is not deterring me from trying to re-create it!


LOL That is hilarious. Thankfully, there are no stars.

Nah. They’ll just have me heat/ice and take a Tylenol for inflammation. I was mostly joking about the doctor. It’s not like they’re going to make me an ace bandage diaper or something. But it is unpleasant!

I have to share this because I can’t tell anyone IRL. So I was indulging in some self-love, which is a rare thing for me since the Squid is always with me. BUT!! I had the most insane orgasm and I seriously think I pulled a muscle in my pelvic floor. Like. This is not a joke. As soon as I finished I was like WHOA that…

If anyone needs a model, I am available for your tasteful frumpy nudes.

It took me over ten years to finish my bachelors degree. You are ahead of where I was and things are going great for me now. I’m in my early thirties.

Thanks for the dry heaves!