Little Animal

Beautiful!! I am getting a late start. I finally settled in my heart to do a container garden. I have lots of big pots, but I probably won’t get my soil and transplants until next week. I think I am going to try to do a yellow squash and a zucchini even though squash vine borers always get me. One tomato and one

Y’all. The kid is with his grandparents for the weekend and instead of being like “Yay mom time!” I am BORED TO DEATH! I’ve been waiting for SNS to post for three hours! Tell me what to do with myself!

All I know about her is what I’ve read in this article and I am completely in love with her already. What an amazing human.

Same! It was so good. Adrien Brody is mmmmm

Hell, he could probably talk me into driving the getaway car if he knew how to tie me up with that rope.....

Every time I try to star you it deducts a star??! But many stars in agreement.

I really should get in the habit of watching that show. It’s so fun!


I loved this movie so much and I refuse to be movie shamed for it!

Right?! I had so many good feels for him. And now I’m cringing because it is not looking good.

Two votes for aubergine.

Maybe this life is an experiment and Jezebel is on an Ed Sheeran time loop and we are all just holding on tightly, hoping to one day break the cycle?!!

This is discussed in the comment section of all Ed Sheeran articles.

I know right?! Hadn’t a clue!

I feel like it’s worth repeating!

Like that sexy belly slip Billy R-....I mean...Cyrus. 🙄

Quit hurting Cyrus’s achy breaky brain with facts and processes and sense, okay?!

I have done questionable things for much less!!

Nah. I have found having a strong work ethic and forming good bonds with co-workers is much more important. I have an excellent job now because I got glowing letters of recommendation from people that enjoyed their time working with me. The networking events I’ve attended have been low return, but they always have