Little Animal

My baby (child that weighs 85 pounds) is sick and fell asleep on the living room floor with the dogs. I almost threw my back out trying to pick him up and carry him to bed....so I see a hot bath and wine in my future.

I just moved for a job and was kind of in the same boat. I did the background and drug test and got my official offer before I gave notice. I would explain to your new company that you are so excited about the position, but you want to do right by your current employer. Then you can sign, give two weeks, and set your

You know who’s jealous AF? Me. But I’m also filled with hope. Go you!

I just commented further down about being in the medical field and being emotional support to so many people!! It is so rewarding and I love helping people, but it is EXHAUSTING!

It is honestly an actual struggle. I love what I do, but being in the medical field means a big part of my job is offering emotional support to people that are dealing with tragedy (even though that is not in my realm of practice at all). By Friday afternoon, I’m like “please let me get home and just sit and stare

I make cinnamon rolls with a pizza dough recipe! Just add cinnamon and toasted chopped pecans and roll it up. So if you can do pizza, you can do cinnamon rolls!

I nap and stay in on the weekends. I’m a huge introvert and going out in public just seems like an huge chore after working with the public all week.

Not baking at the moment, but I will be soon. I’m baking conversation heart mini-cheesecakes tomorrow night for my lovely coworkers! I’m so basic, but I think they’ll enjoy them.

American Girl dolls be like

Fuck it. I’m putting them on the grocery list for next week.

Man. I always forget fish sticks exist, which is probably good because whenever people mention them, I remember that I fucking love fish sticks and then I’m embarrassed.

I, a “you’re here because your mom told me she couldn’t have kids” baby, spent all of my money at Gadzooks. Ahhhh, memories!

I just gagged at the idea of a pound a year of dead skin. Like. I’m on my couch wretching.

Don’t chance it! Think of all the good you’re doing for your immune system!

But when I wash them they get all lumpy. I’d rather sleep on filth than lumps!

I have never heard that before (the part about the needle) and I just almost passed out at my desk into my taco soup. 

I am laughing so hard right now. I relate to that panic so much.

All I got from this is the shocking realization about how long it has been since I’ve seen a beautiful penis in person. They have been decidedly underwhelming lately.

Awwww! And your story reminds me of my friend’s son crying at school because his best friend died. The teacher calls my friend and explains maybe her son needs a couple of days off school since his best friend just died. My friend had to explain that yes, he was having a hard time, but the school doesn’t offer excused