Our Lady of Negotiable Affection

More likely a direct descendant of a smallpox blanket

Look, isn’t it time that an Apricot-American became president? They have struggled enough, mainly by being eaten by bigoted Americans. That will end when Trump is in office.

When the Senator from the state that wouldn’t take down the Confederate flag until 9 black churchgoers were murdered and who thinks that the best way to relate to Muslims is through carpet bombing thinks that you’re a racist xenophobe, it’s time to admit that you have a problem.

Quote from the NYT yesterday that had me shaking my head:

Reminds me of Rob Ford; the majority regard him as quite literally a clown and give him attention accordingly, but without realizing the staggering number of people not in on the joke.

It’s called having a “frap”.

I think that’s a perfect idea. “The Huxtable Show” starring Hannibal Buress as Mr. Huxtable.

I hope one day we’ll have a society that believes the victims of sexual assault and rape when they share their stories.


Dear America,

No no, see - only gay people would have to register online for a marriage licence. Straight couples still have to go in person so Casey Davis can high-five them on Jesus’s behalf. Or something.

On one hand, fuck this guy. Fire him if he doesn’t want to do his job.

I find it rich that the same people who complain about lazy people on welfare are the ones refusing to, you know, actually do their jobs.

Just a couple of months ago, I had a work conference at Legoland in Denmark (yes, I requested and received a pirate-themed room, and it was awesome). We also had a site visit to Lem, which translates in Danish, literally, to ‘’penis.’’

Maybe it’s a grow-er not a show-er?

Well, of course you won’t get any money shots unless you get a paid subscription.

The next village over is poopypantsplace so at least it's consistent.

brb, immediately opening a beach bar in Hawaii called the WeeWee-HooHa Hut.

That’s why you don’t let your eight-year-old name your village.

That is definitely not a 2198 square meter house, oh ye of little familiarity with the metric system.