Our Lady of Negotiable Affection

Congratulations, anti-vaxxers. You did it! You saved her from autism!

But like, I feel like I KNOW actors intimately. I don’t know who the fuck my doctor is. WHO WOULD YOU TRUST.

The Heimlich maneuver can cause intraabdominal injury, particularly to small children! #chokingisnatural #bakingsodacuressuffocation

Ventricular Hypertrophy?

Sterilizing medical equipment involves alcohol and high temperatures, both of which can be fatal to infants. WAKE UP AMERICA AND GO BACK TO RUSTY SCALPELS

Cyclone fences around swimming pools are made of steel, which is toxic when eaten in large quantities! TEAR DOWN POOL FENCES #fencefacism

I totally agree, this guy has the medical chops to be our new WebMd. Instead of going through the motions of telling WebMd that your throat is sore, your lymph nodes swollen, etc., only so they can diagnose you with the black plague and / or cancer (pffft....what do they know?) just send your symptoms via Twitter to

Now fancy that! Letters are going to AME female pastors, but not female Episcopal priests or female pastors of any other faith. Racism under a mask of misogyny/mixed with misogyny, perchance?

A Pharisee.

I’ll tell you who isn’t sending death threats...

Send death threats - you know, like Jesus would do.

“Quotes Bible verses to claim that women shouldn’t be pastors”

All this’ done is encourage every. Single. Person. To bring the largest possible rolly-carry-on they can. I watched an agent try, without luck, to explain to a couple that they cannot take four pieces of carry on each. I watch people try to jam their ridiculous rolly bags into overhead compartments that are clearly

+1 for feeling my pain in being nauseated just thinking about a plane

The only time I flew Spirit, I had a free round trip and still felt overcharged.

Gluing ostrich feathers to my arms and flapping as hard as I can is better than Spirit.

I flew Air France before Delta got its filthy paws on it. I was served a lunch of baguette and camembert and fresh fruit and sparkling water, and a breakfast of croissant and a very yummy egg dish with fabulous coffee. Both meals were followed by a steamed towel which smelled of almonds. The FA fluffed my pillow.

I mean, most airlines now charge for checked bags, which is shitty, but it’s just happening. There are some that charge $30 per bag.

I cannot imagine why you would think that...