Hmmm, you mean the tear gas and sound cannons DIDN’T de-escalate the problem? Wow, who’d a thunk it?
Goal reached!
Well, shut down psychology. No need for more studies. Ballah has set us all straight.
“Please guarantee that our gift will not be used to support transgender girls. If you can’t, please return the money.”
They are a secular organization. The Girl Scout Promise includes the word “god” in it, but it’s because it was written in 1912, so most people involved were Christian. That said, they are explicit that you can substitute that word with whatever you feel comfortable with (I’m an atheist, so this is important to me).…
Transgender kids have to go through extensive counseling and psychiatric examination before they transition. It’s not like playing dress up. We have lots and lots of research that shows that gender is set by around age 2-3. It isn’t really that complex.
I was thinking...
Plenty of kids know very early on exactly who they are. They might not be at the point of having an intellectual debate with you about the nuances of gender identity in our society, but there most certainly are girls who were assigned male at birth who know they’re girls. And maybe if we listened to kids when they…
There is no legal obligation, but honoring donor intent is a pretty important ethical principle of fundraising. It is typical for nonprofits to have gift acceptance policies, so that in cases like this where the conditions of the gift are antithetical to the organization’s values (or impractical, not feasible for some…
I was really happy to see the Boy Scouts marching in the NYC gay pride parade this year. The members themselves are ready to get their shit together.
i always hated the girl scouts when I was a little girl because almost all the girls I knew that were in it made fun of me and/or were nasty little brats.
These people didn’t want to help the girl scouts at all. They just wanted to make a political gesture to get their “cause” in the media. What a bunch of baloney mongering anus monkeys.
Dear anonymous giftgiver,
What a weird, mean, dumbshit caveat to an otherwise generous gesture. It seems like the donor’s entire point was less about giving money and more about making a big show of sneering publicly at trans children. Cool move, Jabroni. You feel good about yourself, picking on little kids?
I love it when someone makes a “gift” so long as it is used to support bigotry. And especially when that “gift” is rejected.
fuck yeah girl scouts and
And this donor just received the “Douch Bag of the year” award. Congrats, enjoy
If Gabourey was with you, shit really would have gone down.
You know how sometimes clueless white people whine about not being able to use the N-word because black people can use the N-word in a positive way and white people should be able to use it that way too?