Our Lady of Negotiable Affection

**Okay, I'm going to debase myself right now, but if it comes up later on, I'll blame it on the headache from that damn dress business (I am way too bothered by that shit for some reason)**

SO glad it's not just me. I just hope these Nabisco/Christie heathens don't get wind of what went on here tonight, or they'll punish us with a colour-changing optical-fucking-illusion Oreo next.

Put it in a velvet-lined box (if she wants to she could put it in a Ziploc first I guess) and courier it to them with a letter that says "She did tell you so!" signed by the medical professional who removed it.

Oh, honey...I hope they're giving you ALL THE MORPHINE.

I ruined my own (first) wedding. I said "I do".

Hi, about the Canadian milk - when you buy 4 litres (a gallon-ish) of milk in Canada, instead of it coming at in one big plastic jug, it comes in three clear sealed bags*. You put the bag, once you get it home, into a plastic container with a handle on it, but the container only comes 3/4 of the way up the milk bag.

WildaBeast posting on wife's account again.

WildaBeast here on my wife's account again. You can buy virtually anything here that you can but in the US, but you cannot, CANNOT walk around with a gun on your hip, or concealed - unless you're a cop, a Brinks' driver, a security guard, our someone else who has a valid reason to carry for their job and is on shift.

WildaBeast here again...this is some stupid and self-defeating shit. Congratulations to the Ad Standards Council for making themselves look not only behind the times, but bone-headedly stupid on top of it. I love conservative foot bullets :-)

Your dad is fantastic! And, judging by your username, he passed down his sense of humour!

Oh my god! I will look them up for sure!

I did that with the power-line support structures that I would see out in the valley when we drove to visit people! Also, the giant radio telescope in the hills by Stanford had his own backstory...

How do your niece and nephew take that? Do they have the same tendencies that we all seem to?

Interesting! What if you do both, though? I have a few counting rituals, though they don't seem to be quite as elaborate as yours, and they usually involve words and letters. However, there are (still) the summer nights where I can't leave the patio until a certain number of a certain type of plane has gone over

Yep, I did that with stuffed animals too! Also, there is a picture of defiant three-year-old me face-down in bed with my wooden giraffe scooter* next to me, also face-down (so his wheels were facing the foot of the bed). They told me no, I couldn't bring my scooter to bed, so I flung all my toys and us both onto the

Yeah, whenever it's time for me to donate clothes, I need Mrs Lady there to help me deal, and she has to do the actual removal. Otherwise I start fretting, like I'm giving away my children. Especially if the item was given to me in the first place, you know, like 80% of the clothing my impoverished ass wears. I start

I am so sorry that happened. A desk in the corner? I'm sure that was helpful. Although, to be fair, I thought most of my classmates were idiots, so I might not have minded. I hope the same was true for you.

I claimed to have twelve imaginary friends, all named Audrey. I never had imaginary friends, and certainly understood that they weren't real, but I had seen multiple kids on TV and in books who had them, and it seemed like something a 'normal' kid was supposed to do (thankfully, I was way too stubborn to do the things

Yep, I was told to tone it down too. I was also an early reader (18 months - 2 years old), and I couldn't help reading everything I could get my hands on, including cereal boxes/food packaging. I would astound people with my knowledge of additives and preservatives. That may have had a bit to do with the obsessive

WildaBeast here (posting on the phone again). Yes, absolutely I had the same beliefs/worries. And yes I have more empathy than I know what to do with, and an anxiety disorder.