Our Lady of Negotiable Affection

Damnit, Shrayber, again with the nightmare fuel! I would rather have had a rosebudding update than the video you chose to end with today. Now every time I hear that particular, formerly benign turn of phrase*, I am going to have flashbacks of this poor woman in her knockoff Sea Org get-up. The flowers! The

Ha, that seriously made me laugh out loud! Right whales are pretty damn amazing; well played!

You're showing up black for me! Of course, I doubt that means anything in the kinjaverse, since I seem to be gray/grey (still no consensus on that, afaik) about half the time. I starred you anyway; it couldnt hurt, right?

Fuck, can't type on this phone! Should be 'inherent *to' and 'last *part'. To hell with this, switching to the laptop now!

Oops! Got cut off! ...beyond the emotions inherent on a joyful sexual experience, that last pat should have said! Like, "nope, I'm not your girlfriend just because we shared an epic fuck. Let's not ruin it, okay? Besides, my wife and I are quite contented as we are. Roll over and ask her if you don't believe me!"

Hey, it's never too late to start! As long as all involved are happily consenting, and everyone is on the same page about and are able to respect soft/hard limits, anything goes in my world (or I'll at least give it a try)!

But I do care for the euphemism 'C-U-Next-Tuesday'! It's an all-time favourite, and I try to spread that cunt wherever I can! Hell it's my job, after all (this is Our Lady again; the Beastly one is wading through a sea of handouts and highlighters right now, prepping for another midterm)...

Oops, don't know how to edit, but that should read "three years", not "a free years"!

I'm actually doing a two-year program right now, but wanting to do either street/community care nursing, hospital nursing, or go north for a free years (there's a really horrible shortage top there) and get my RN part-time while I work. LTC is my nightmare, it's the last thing I want to do.

Out of possibly morbid curiosity - was this awful situation purely a power trip on the part of the son, or was there an element of religious conviction to it as well/instead? I'm a nursing student right now and I really want to avoid working in long-term care facilities once I graduate, partly because of the potential

This needs way, way more stars.

Thanks! It's actually a bit of a mashup. Some of the original inspiration came from right here on Kitchenette. An awesome poster used the term 'ladies of negotiable affection' to describe a few women in my line of work (you know, the very old one?). I'm pretty sure it was in the "he save bread!" post from Behind

(This is WildaBeast but it's easier to respond from my wife's account than it is to log in on mine in this phone.)

It is a great find. Do you suppose it was a satirical creation? Like, even the most whackadoodle pro-plaguer couldn't be that out to lunch, right? After all, their internet has Godwin, too.

Wait, I thought it was freedom of ass? Does not the pledge of allegiance implore us: "free your ass, and your mind will follow"? Seriously, doesn't it? I tended to zone out a lot in school, so I'm not really sure...

Hey, hoping someone can help, like an author, or a mod, maybe?

Wow, thank you so much for this well-written piece. As someone involved in public health, who works with other communicable diseases (generally HIV and HCV,with a fun sprinkling of other stuff), it kills me to read those links, though I appreciate the history. Just seeing exactly how cyclical the thinking can be is

Oh for the love of fuck...what deep dark corner of the internet did you dredge for that? I want to star you for going there, but I don't want to seem like I'm co-signing the visual.

All I can think of when I read your comment is that scene in Swingers (yes, I know it's NHL '94, but still...). Wish this phone would let me embed things right now.

Ok, I'll guess (and very likely be wrong and date myself horribly in the process): Jeremy Roenick versus Patrick* Roy?