Our Lady in Virginia

Once this is all over—assuming we survive—we should erect a monument to Trump.
Oh, not to honor him ...

Sooooooo...does noone else find the part where Porter is a TWICE-divorced Mormon to be a pretty big clue that something is seriously wrong with him? My understanding is that Mormons don’t divorce, and to divorce twice before the age of forty....seems like a thing.

Trump: Porter did a very good job when he was in the White House and we hope he has a wonderful career.

I’ve been trolling the right wing sites this afternoon, and what’s mildly amazing (but shouldn’t be) is how the narrative that this is a fake news witch hunt has begun taking hold. People are legit arguing that Porter’s exes are all lying.

John Kelly then: “I remember when women were sacred”

Or just her pocket if she was wearing a jacket. It’s a hamster. It’s not like she had an emotional bear. They’re easy to hide. Also, it’s not like the hamster would have set the metal detector. Just pocket the little guy, dump the pet carrier and let it sleep in your pocket or carry on for the flight. You are out a

Or better a person or couple that forgot to get their kid a souvenir.

If you kill your pets when someone one suggests it, you need help, but not from an animal.

To be real, if the hamster is small enough to be flushed down the toilet, it is probably small enough to just be hidden in her carry-on bag.

I can literally think of 15 other things she could have done that did not involve harming let alone brutally and painfully killing a living being. The animal could have lived and the selfish sociopath could have still made her damn flight. Let’s be honest here, she was lazy and thought this was a quick fix. So she

I just don’t understand why she couldn’t call a local animal rescue to pick it up. Even if her plain was leaving... they could leave it at ticketing or customer service until they arrived. Surely it had a little carrier.

At what point do we consider the well being of the emotional support animal in this scenario? If someone cannot properly care for or protect their pet they have no business having a pet, therapeutic benefits or not. There are options such as medication and therapy to treat mental illness.

When I accidentally hurt one of my cats, like, trip over them or something, I feel absolutely wretched. I can’t even IMAGINE doing this.

Thankfully, she was also able to notify the press to broadcast her idiocy.

I’m absolutely with you. This is horrifying and she’s despicable.

That’s what kills me. She really thinks describing how terrified her pet was before she killed it is going to make people feel bad for HER.

This story is as baffling as it is horrifying. This woman, by her own admission, chose to cruelly kill her pet. But she claims someone else suggested that she do it, and she feels really bad about it, so she’s certain she’s the real victim here.

Yeah no, this is not on Spirit. This woman has something seriously wrong with her if she actually flushed a living creature down a toilet, there were many, many other options. Jesus fucking christ.


The issue that, whether or not it gets launched, the fact that it was even being considered illustrates the normalization of attitudes about gender that have perpetuated women’s oppression.