Our Lady in Virginia

If you want to talk heritage not hate then hear this: My father fought nazis in WW II. My uncle did the same. So I can carry out the proud tradition of my family and stop nazi behaviour on American soil. It’s my heritage and right. This horror woke up people who never thought much about their ancestors who worked to

Sounds like my daughter, lol. Give her either a gift Visa card or the cash. Both are great, and she will need it when she finds out how much canvases and other little classroom needs are. This is a very nice gesture. Sounds like her parents are struggling to pay for her college and doing a lot of going without. Be

Was this a joke story? Yes it was. If soap and water won’t do the trick, go see your doctor. Exfoliate your vag? Oh FFS!!

Thank god, I thought I was the only one! But I didn’t realize they were those orgasm things everyone was talking about until I was in my 20s!

GOP thoughts: Only 23 million? Scrap it until we can get at least half a billion people to suffer and die!

My daughter calls me a perfume whore because I collect fragrances to match every mood possible. Don’t think I’ll be getting one of hers. I never feel the urge to be a cruel, mass murdering despot. I hope Fragrantica does not showcase her wares.

That is straight up sick.

There may be something to this. My teen started TALKING TO ME about it. The stuff she was hearing about it had her creeped out. If something creeps out my teen, it’s pretty bad. It may be how the challenge progresses and targets susceptible kids. Listen to your kids if they casually bring this up. Reasure them that

Taking your drugs while the plane is in the air is never a great idea. Always self medicate an hour before takeoff. 

For me it was the first of many pains in the neck women live with eternally. We learn fast.

And she has the horrified look of a person who feels something crawling up her leg in a dress in public.

Virginia told them to get stuffed when asked to provide their voter rolls. Our governor is the bestest governor ever!

Sounds like cousin it reciting haiku.

Is there anything that the GOP won’t sexualize? Their preoccupation with procreation is getting weird uncomfortable. They are the creepy uncles in the room.

Boy is she wrong. It’s a form of demon possession! I know people who work at a mental hospital who believe that. It would be funny, but they treat and care for the mentally ill. Midnight exorcism anyone?

Pro life only until a child draws it’s first breath. After that it’s a little moocher on society. Wanting things like food, love, education, a warm home. Who does that kid think he or she is, Canadian??

So all those brave men and women who chose to give their health for their country aren’t worthy of good affordable health care? Screw these talking heads. I want no part of the master they serve.

If it’s the one in my state it’s a joke. I know several people who work there and it’s run by people who are crazier than the patients. Bad behaviour is rewarded with ice cream and coloring books. The number of assaults to the nursing staff has jumped in recent years and they can’t find people willing to work there.

I have to agree with this. There are over 50 people in my smallish town who refuse treatment because treatment would involve giving up their freedom. They instead choose to live in tents or abandoned houses in the woods. These people have addiction issues as well as mental health issues and living in a healthy

3 hours ago. Been on one for over 5 years BUT the dosage does not go up or down. This is a maintenence dosage, and the substance is lightweight compared to other stuff available.