Jacob Mc

Still not slut shaming. Is anyone calling her a slut? Implying she’s a slut? Or are they saying that her actions have consequences because of the platform on which she carries them out? She’s a public figure. She put out content and people reacted to it. Is everyone always supposed to be happy that she can take her

We’re all going to die.

The gall! There’s a whole industry depending on girls being taught to hate themselves so that they will become the women that consume that industry’s goods! Won’t someone think of the fad dieter peddler?! The Snackwell makers! THE WIDOW ADKINS?!?!

As a nurse I get all sorts of random shit asked of me by friends, family, and strangers. My advice is always “Go see a doctor. If you need help carrying out his instructions, give me holler. Because that’s what nurses do. Help people get better by carrying out a plan of care organized by a doctor. We don’t diagnose.

If you die now, you have still outlived the English language, which killed itself in shame when it heard this song.

So that’s what the Troll Queen’s crown looks like? Because she’s definitely royally trolling everyone with this whole “album” thing.

Murder is the new black. Unless it’s a cop doing the murdering, then it’s the same old black it’s been for basically forever.

Yeah. It is important to remember that someone died. I think the corollary to that is that when the justice system screws up, either by accident or by intent, then the wrong person gets punished for the original travesty. That further compounds the horror of the situation.

Cat is AWOL for 12 hours. Your start getting head and there she is- headbutting the guy’s ass while he’s going down on you. Fucking cat.

This is germane to nothing, but I would wreck that man. I find him all kinds of attractive on so many levels. The scruff, the askew glasses, and his voice. Man.

I’m sorry. Cherpumple sounds like something you pay extra to have done to you by a working guy/gal.

Probably piss themselves and hand over their guns. Or shoot a loved one or themselves by accident. Most ammo sexuals own their murder-toys because they are cowards given to fantasies of machismo. If they were staring down the barrel of a gun held by someone trained to use it, most of them would just buckle and give in.

I once had a sex dream where I was going down on this girl I went to high school with while we were on top of the 1992 Lincoln Towncar (parked on my grandparents’ carport) in which I failed my driving test twice at the age of 16. Then we decided to buy some drugs- from my grandparents, of course- but when the dealers

I am currently obsessed with braising chicken. I made Jamie Oliver’s Chicken in Milk, but the split milk sauce weirded me out. So I whirred it all back together with my immersion blender. I also had two pints of cherry tomatoes right on the edge, so I cooked them down and then added the other ingredients. Quite a

I am so glad that someone else has imagined what a hug from Ina Garten would be like.

Why not both?

You know- that’s how I felt about cigarettes when I was a smoker. They were something I did because I wanted to, and they were a way of spending money (mostly) on myself. Of course they were an expensive way of killing myself, but you know. Details.

I smoke weed. I like essential oils in my shower. At least one day a week I sleep without setting an alarm.

Well. I try not to allow other people’s failures to be the measure of my own personal standards. I am sure there are trans individuals who do not support queer rights. That’s fine. I hope they are exposed to more of the world, or have a personal relationship that changes their mind.

I hope that trans issues become addressed in such a way that I can no longer relate to them. Because there are myriad of issues that I don’t understand—having never had to deal with them—that I hope will be addressed. I want the dialogue to become alien in a way, because I want trans activists to become so successful