Mad Hatter

Well, after last week's episode (and the last weeks…and the last week's…and ESPECIALLY the last week's), this episode was…still not very good. But, I will admit, I enjoyed it MUCH more than the others. I mean…not much, but still, MORE. That said, I did make a few notes.

Yeah, I thought this episode was a HELL of a lot of fun! Well…at least the ending was.

First white, then black. Also, the second major Firestorm is Jason Rusch, whom we saw last season. In the comics, Jefferson Jackson is a high school friend of Ronnie Raymond, and never becomes Firestorm. Still, I welcome obscure references in any form!

Or, to keep doing it. Obviously, he lured one breacher that way, so maybe he can lure others the same way. If they're all as AWESOME as King Shark, I'm all for it. Keep stalking, Barry!

My shit. Was flipped. Seriously, though, THIS IS WHY I LOVE THIS SHOW.

…Good point, actually. OK, the THIRD season of Arrow would have made me give up. Maybe. On DC's shows at least.

I guess it depends on the definition of "this era." If you extend it far enough, you get Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Birds of Prey, and (kinda) Xena, Warrior Princess. But, if you're talking about the "comic book adaptation boom" era that started in around 2008…yeah, OK, that's fair. But it's not like we haven't seen

Do you mean that they're the first show to accentuate the whole "she's a female hero" thing? 'Cause Agent Carter did that, too. Just…not in the same way. When that show did it, it made sense with the time period. But Supergirl's set in modern-day, so it just makes it look like it's trying WAY too hard. Which it is.

Hey, it's already got a leg up on Smaillville when it comes to a Superman-based show, so I get it.

…Is he REALLY a monster if he kills something that was already dead? I mean…did you SEE The Langoliers?

Oh, but there IS yellow in there! Don't you see it? It's the outline of the S! Surefly that's enough yellow, right? RIGHT?

Well, don't worry! IT GOT WORSE.

Oh, it certainly IS the toy-loving Winslow Schott! He continues a grand tradition in the Berlanti comic book shows of the hero having a close friend who is somehow linked to a comic-book villain, or will one day become this villain. See: Arrow's Tommy Merlyn and The Flash's Caitlin Snow.

Come now, Anti-Monitor. He did that himself.

You absoLUTEly need to watch The Flash! If not for that, I would've given up the comic book TV thing after Arrow's second season! It's fantastic! Unlike Gotham, which is tripe.

…Lord, I forgot about Comet. We live in a strange, strange universe, Anti-Monitor. A virtual Wonderland.

At this rate, I really wouldn't be surprised if they attempted to exploit her blatant woman-ness in any way possible.

Oh, dear lord, I forgot about the sex-trafficking scene. I'll have to add that to my list of grievances.

Pretty sure we saw a quick glimpse of Freeze in Indian Hill.

…Huh. It suddenly occurs to me that two superhero shows star character whom you've killed. Not sure how I never noticed that before, honestly.