Mad Hatter

Which, for the record, is EXACTLY the problem. Seriously, for as "feminist" as this show (and the internet, apparently) thinks it's being with this pilot, it's accomplishing the EXACT OPPOSITE EFFECT.

Anti-Monitor, my friend…and we ARE friends…are you sure it's appropriate for you to show up here? I mean…you did kind of, sort of, murder Supergirl that one time. Not questioning your methods, just saying.

While I DID enjoy this episode, and will certainly watch the next one, I do have ONE criticism/comment.

Don't despair, Eddie! Monitor and I will stick around. Unless Monitor goes of to eat another planet, or some such. But I'll still be here!

Forget about it, Monitor. It's Gotham.

You mean applause? For your good decision? Well…for your better decision. I'm watching it now, and if they accentuate the fact that she's female ONE MORE TIME, it's mind-controlling coffee for Metropolis. AGAIN.

I haven't seen all of this episode as of yet (tarts, mind-control, white roses, you know, the normal thing), but I saw enough to notice a few things. This episode gave me a much-needed epiphany: Gotham is one of the most predictable superhero shows EVER. How so? Well…

I'm seriously considering bringing my brand of frajuous mischief to Metropolis at this rate. I didn't even see the whole episode (mind-control schemes in the works, you know), and I saw enough to know that I'd prefer the crimson-caerulean-clad heroine over this drivel.

You know, I decided not to read this series because my soul was bruised by the last episode of the original. These reviews are not convincing me to give the new series a shot. Am I right not to watch it?

If you're referring to Monitor saving my green-suited hide, I think that's more survival than cheating.

Well, that's promising, at least. Although, that clearly wasn't the tea-tray if he wasn't good at riddles. He does seem to be rather good at answering yours, Eddie. "World's greatest detective" and all that dreck.

Let's just hope that the tea-tray doesn't catch on.

Welcome to the madhouse! It's where we all belong, anyway.

I know, I know! But that knowledge doesn't make it any less infuriating. Especially when the alternative solution is SO VERY OBVIOUS.

It's not brown-nosing, Eddie. It's complimenting if anything. And accepting the inevitable future of the Anti-Monitor destroying our world and/or enslaving us all. Not brown-nosing. Just kindess and realism. Also, it pays to have friends in high places. Hence the reason I'm still talking, and not impaled on the…very

No, that's too obvious for Eddie. He put the word safe in the clue, it wouldn't be that blatant. Maybe…something involving the Waynes?

Precisely. Also, only one hundred feet. I could've sworn you were taller. Then again, I AM rather short.

…This is true. I have to admit, though, I found Bridget Pike somewhat intriguing, at least when compared to every other villain on the show (Penguin excluded, for the most part). She wasn't really very over-the-top at all. Her acting, at the very least, was…decent. Not amazing, or even good, really, but…decent.

Where Batman is, mostly likely.

…Fair enough. I suppose that unless you know the people in Gotham City, this would be subtle. But his acting still isn't subtle in the least.