Mad Hatter

Firstly, that statue would be amazing.
Secondly…OK, he's referring to a place, that makes sense. Then that place would either be linked to the knife, the eye, or both. So…no. Still too far in my tea.

Honestly, Eddie, I'm more focused on the idiocy of Galavan's "master plan" this week. But, I'll give it an effort for the sake of it.

You know…I was OK with this episode in some parts. But then…the ending just set off all the other garbage in this episode for me. I'm not gonna devote a poem to this trash (unless asked)! I…I need to get this out again this week, before I pop a blood vessel with my sheer frumiousity.

You know what? The worst part is YOU'RE RIGHT. Even I didn't really include the LGBT issue in my list above. My God…that was the LEAST irritating part of the episode for me! Most offensive, maybe, but…WOW. This show…wow.

Honestly…maybe. It's got a LOT better start than either Ultimate Spider-Man or Avengers Assemble, so it's definitely the most promising of the new animated Marvel shows. I mean, it's definitely not great (or even good, really), but…it's better? Not bad?

Oh, please, Mr. Wayne. This is Gotham. Everyone's mad here. You should know that more than anyone, with your tragic past (for which I greatly apologize; I didn't have anything to do with it, though. Just being compassionate. Try it sometime.) Also, it's 8:00. Quiet time isn't until 10:00, thank you very much. So, if

Oh, come now, Bruce. I once worked for you, you know. I mean, yes, I kidnapped and brainwashed your secretary, costing financial loss in wasted research funds. And yes, I kidnapped your C.E.O to hold him for ransom and get information from his brain. And YES, I brainwashed you with a tiny doll to try and steal all of

It's funny, too. When I look back at the scenes where Barbara's kissing Tabitha, I NEVER see sensuality. I only see two unpleasant women mashing faces into each other to SHOW OFF. Because, yeah…THEY ONLY DO IT IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE. I just realized that.

The author is bisexual. And I'm glad that someone's addressing this. That said, though…it's gotten WAY WORSE since this article was written. I mean, this was just after Barbara left Jim for Montoya. It's gotten WAY worse since then. I mean…she became a murderer and psychopath, both really for no good reason.

Absolutely! Doesn't take much, just a change in username and avatar. Ventriloquist would be an excellent choice!

What a pleasant surprise to see you here, Mr. Wayne! You simply must stop into Arkham to have some tea sometime. Also, sorry about the several times that I've stolen your technology. Villainous schemes and all that, you know.

Precisely. Again, I don't know how no-one in the LGBT community is outraged by this show.

I highly doubt that Barnes is the Wayne shooter, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if he was working with or for Galavan. I predicted that the second I saw him, actually.

No, actually. I wrote it during commercial breaks, for the most part. And Alfred hitting young Ms. Kyle was…uncomfortable at best.

…Michael WInslow makes me laugh.

Well…I somewhat see where you're coming from, actually. There is a certain edge that Barnes lacks, but his conviction is what sold the moment for me. That said, his character got considerably worse immediately after that.

ExACTly. Immediately what I thought when I saw her. Blatant rip-off it is. The difference between the two, though. At least the Police Academy cadets had quirks and flaws. Gotham's cadets are boringly perfect. It's ridiculous. I'm going to watch the original film with a nice cup of tea.

That…that sounds beautiful.

Precisely. Exactly how I feel about it, as someone else who isn't at all qualified to speak for the LGBT community. Her bisexuality is played as a part of her promiscuity, and isn't made as a true part of her character. Additionally, it's technically shown as a NEGATIVE character trait, which is WAY worse. Think about

You know…the showwriters have said that they're not doing the Court of Owls just yet. I truly hope that they aren't lying, but…yeah, he's TOTALLY working for the Court. Right? Either that, or Ra's al Ghul. Either way, they aren't hiding it very well at all.