Mad Hatter

…Hold on, my other persona is trying to emerge…

I'm sure Harvey's not too pleased that they're using his thing on Eddie. He'll probably be about at some point. I'll make up a hat for him to use as well, actually.

You know…funny thing. I've, on occasion, been attracted to blonde women (although, I prefer the name Alice), and I can see why Barbara would be percieved as attractive. But…I've NEVER found her attractive in any form. Seriously, her personality and awful character has completely overwhelmed her appearance for me.

Well, at least this show did ONE good thing, if it's inspiring people to read actual quality literature. Bloody hell, Hop on Pop is better written than this show most of the time.

I thought it was called "Why Are You Watching This, When There Are Better Things To Watch, Like Drying Paint?" It's a lengthy name, but fitting.

The question is, just HOW BIG is your trap chamber, if HE can fit in it?

As you should be! I'm the same with my poetry.

Well, I was assuming you could provide me with the technology you gave to Roger Hayden when he was briefly under your employ, so I could use it safely from your vessel. I ensure you, I'd put it to MUCH better use.

Hear hear!

The sweater's the least of it. This universe has a person LEGITIMATELY NAMED KRIS KRINGLE. For that alone, this universe NEEDS TO DIE. But, before you destroy it, could you let me try to control its citizens for a few minutes? Maybe I can make them just a little less stupid before they die. After all, you want them to

…Fair enough. In the same way, Eddie, you must admit that living next to you is very much like listening to these weekly riddles aloud. I have to admit, though, that I don't mind it.

…Fair enough. Meanwhile, we're all MaD for watching this show. A regular Wonderland this is.

…Beats his chest…Guerlla warfare? No, that makes no sense.

I…just….SO MANY BLOODY PROBLEMS. I'll do the poem soon, but…I need to get this off my chest and out of my hat.

Yup. There've been crossover between all of the series, except for Guardians, since it just came out. But, the producers have said that it'll crossover with the Avengers of this universe.

HA! Yeah.

You know…it's not bad. When compared to the other recent Marvel shows, anyway. Unlike the abysmal Ultimate Spider-Man, at least this has potential. And unlike the meh Avengers Assemble, the writing and characters aren't completely obnoxious. Like both of them, the character design and animation are pretty top-notch.

Based on name…Catwoman or Catman. I also said that earlier.

I realize that I just said that I dub thee Bizarro, but…I RE-dub thee Catman. Or Woman, depending on your gender. Either one works.

See, most people hate season 1, and thought season 3 was OK. If you ever become a villain poster, I dub thee Bizarro.