Mad Hatter

True. We shall see, I suppose. Will I, won't I, will I, won't I, so to speak.

Ah, give it time, old boy. If they can learn to accept a man in a giant bat costume, they'll accept you eventually, too. We also must catch at some point. I'll bring the tea, and you feel free to bring some food of your own, my reptilian colleague!

Waylon! How are you doing, Croc, ol' boy? It's been a Cat's age! Sewers still treating you well?

Oh, come now, Eddie! We used to have lovely talks, you with your puns, and me with my poems. Tell you what, since we're both out of the madhouse, why don't we meet down at Finger's Pub in the Narrows and catch up?

Oh, I most certainly am, Power Girl. I quite enjoy the CW fare of shows about our universe. And I look forward to your potential appearance on Supergirl. Pity my counterpart will never interact with your counterpart…probably.

Sounds more like Oswald's kind of trap than Eddie's. He's more likely to do something pun-related. Me on the other hand…I'd use giant playing cards, or some such, I suppose. Never been much of a pitfall trap person, myself.

I suppose that's one way of putting it, yes. No really angry, though. More like mad as a…something. Can't come up with the word for the life of me.

EDDIE! Long time, no see! How are things? Have you escaped from Arkham yet? I have, obviously. You know, we really must sit down with a nice cup of tea at some point and catch up.

…Bloody Hell, they actually did it. First Eddie and Oz, then the Joker and Jonathan, and now me. Damn my eyes, I've been dreading this day.

Thank you! Normally, I'd be happy to be recognized..but not by this damnable series.

Oh, come now, what's wrong with mercury? It made me into the man I am today!

Bloody Hell, I hope not.

The ony way I can replicate that sound is through whistling. It's a beautiful scream.

Perhaps he's in a similar situation to the one that I've been in in the past week. I broke out of Arkham a couple of weeks ago, and I've been on the run ever since. Haven't had the time to watch the show much, I'm afraid (or glad, not sure which). Anyway, I must be off. The cursed teatray's foll'wing me, and 'fore I

…Fair enough.

Well, to be fair, I think that they're attempting to convey that the evil parts of your counterpart's personality (or his "evil half" as badly protrayed in this episode) have merged with his regular personality, rather than him actually having bonafide DID. I mean, it's still unbelievably daft, but..better?

Not good for women, lesbians, bisexuals, or…let's face it, the only thing that this wretched series is good for is the dirt. And even THAT'S questionable.

That, my friend…is not saying much.

See, that makes sense to me. The real question now is…why couldn't normal Eddie do thatin the show? And I realize that you could answer this with your standard, "because everyone in Gotham is stupid." But I counter with this: All of the WRITERS of Gotham are stupid. Very…VERY stupid.

…Well, it starts with "or"…I think.
…A vacuum is full of empty space…
…A Tarquin is a ruler, or king…