Mad Hatter

HO. LY. SHIT. The theory I (and apparently several other people completely independent of me (seriously, I had no idea this was already a theory when I typed it up originally)) came up with months ago in the Friend Ship comments section was RIGHT (partially)!!! QUARTZES COME FROM EARTH!!! They're a specific Gem class

…I'm drinking the wrong tea for this, I think.

I don't rightly know. But she's a Maniac. A Maniac, that's for sure.

How come you're always such a fussy old god
You're angrier than Luthor or Gorilla Grodd
Just look at ev'ry field, mountain, lake and esplanade
And eat it! Just eat it!

Hold on, hold on. Let me pack my things first.

Ugh, don't get me started. I miss our previous winged friend. He had a certain…elegance to him that Gordon simply doesn't have.

Mr. MacNicol did an admirable job capturing my essence as well, I think! But McDowall will always hold a special place in my heart.

Well, I don't celebrate it myself (for obvious reasons), but I at least appreciate his efforts (wHEn TheY aREn'T AimEd aT Me). I was enjoying a nice cup of tea. And, since he is a tea tray, I suppose that somewhat qualifies.

Don't we all, my friend? Don't we all.

Hello to you, my forum friends
This episode begins
With Mayor feeling Theo’s “cleanse”
And suff’ring for his sins

…Wait…ThAt'S RigHt!!! tHERe iS nO chaNGE In StaTUs QUo!!! I'VE BEEN LIED TO!!!

I mean, yes, but…you have to admit that the last third gave the status quo a severely needed shake.

I…I'm not quite sure how to say this, but…that episode…wasn't bad. I mean, everything before the last 15 minutes was terrible, but…that last third was…good? 'm not sure if that's the right word here. We'll go with decent.

Why, thank you! I try.

But I love her.
Breaks a new heart
Every day.

Well, there's the fact that all of us that end up rogues with the more spectaclar gimmicks tend to end up in Arkham for some reason. I mean, we're only defending our way of life. So maybe Ivy attempted to destroy the city's human population to replace them with plants. Multiple times. So she doesn't think of humans as

My pleasure! If you ever need someone mind-controlled, I'm your man!

Appreciated. I also brew a mean coffee, if you're interested. Not my particular beverage of choice, but I'm nothing if not accomodating. Also mAD, but let's not split hairs.

Yes, yes, Harvey, of course! We all know that this show doesn't represent anyone correctly. Forgive me for the misunderstanding. Didn't mean to get on your bad side.

Oh, come now Harvey! Come and join in the fun! After all, your better half is represented on this show as well!