Mad Hatter

Oh, it's a pinch of chamomille, a dash of earl grey, a splash of mind-controlling nanotechnology, and a smidge of da hong pao. Top that with a bit of obsession and you have my cup of tea. Send you a bag?

Well, technically you can't actually view it without destroying the universe or some such nonsense. But, then again, you don't HAVE to have your eyes open during such…events.

I don't disagree, but I've had the cell between Pamela and Ms. Pye before. Trust me, it does happen.

Gentlemen…I've just realized something. What if…what if Barbara and Jerome…are the Joker's parents? Surely, this show couldn't be that stupid…could they?

Well, to be fair, Arkham's always been somewhat co-ed. But it's never been as stupid as was portrayed on this show.

No, no. This show wouldn't be that clever. Or interesting. Or subtle. Or obvious. Or fan-pleasing. Or audience-pleasing. Or anyone-pleasing. Or wall-pleasing. Or well-thought-out. Or slightly thought-out. Or thought-out in general.

sighFair enough, but you're missing out! Most expensive tea in the world, you know. And you really should rescind that rule once in a while. Have you tried Dumphrey's gingerbread cookies? They're absolutely splendid! If you ignore the shoelaces. He's…he's not well.

A…A B? I C.

Whilst I appreciate the compliment, I hope nothing of the sort happens. If Heller adapts my visage, it'll just be a pale, mimsy imitation, like the show's version of Eddie, or Tim Burton's version of Carroll's masterpiece.

Eddie! How've you been? Haven't see you since the mass exodus from Arkham in June!

The time has come, my forum friends!
Let’s see if Heller’s learned!
For now the summer season ends
And Gotham has returned!

Anti-Monitor! How are you, my omnipotent friend? Feels like I've been through the Looking Glas and back since I last saw you!

Biggest twist of the episode: We didn't all end up hating Lars more than most of the fanbase already does. For a Sadie-centric episode, that's legitimately surprising.

Dr. Maheshweran…is kind of a sucky doctor, huh? Like…those things were VERY OBVIOUSLY not human. THEY HAD NO HEADS AND GEMS FOR FACES. I mean…come on! I loved this episode, epecially with how it treated the relationship between Steven and Connie, and between Connie and her mom, but that was ridiculous.

Oh…oh my God. It's over? It's OVER!!! IT'S FINALLY OVER!!! We made it! STEVEN UNIVERSE IS BACK!!!! And with a good episode, too!


Well…at least the animation's pretty good. And 2-D hand-animated even!

Damn you, fully understandable and appropriately progressive career ambitions! DAAAAAAAAMN YOOOOOOOOU!!!!!!!

Well, if Earth has roughly the same geological history as our Earth, then rose quartz definitely came first. And since we have no proof that the Gems have the ability to create life (and, yeah, I know that Rose Quartz and Steven have the ability to make sentient, living plants, but they made that out of existing plant

Yup. Wish I could say I was my catch, but it was confirmed by the creators WAY back during the second StevenBomb, when "Keeping Together" aired.