Mad Hatter

Fair, but it wasn't the right time. Plus, she understandably didn't look very happy.

OK, fair enough. As said, it's just a fan theory, which aren't canon by definition. We'll see if it turns out to be true.

…No. Rose Quartz is an actual, REAL mineral. Also, even if it wasn't, how is Rose Quartz a pun?

Yup. There's the obvious giant green space hand, but there's also the Cluster, AKA the fusion abomination that Garnet and Steven found in Peridot's cave. When they fought it, it appeared to take the shape of a giant hand.

Wait, is this already a thing? Not the Pink Diamond part, I'd gathered that that was already a relatively known theory, but is the Quartz thing already part of a pre-existing theory? if so, then…damn. Thought I had something there.

…And the right cut. Huh. This theory might actually end up being the right one. Cool!

Like I said, colloquial speech.

…Fair enough. I'm honestly not sure how else to defend my position outside of saying that it may have come from a misunderstanding based on colloquialisms. Yeah, it's not proper English to use an indefinite article in conjunction with a proper noun, but it IS done, at least in the way that Jasper did it. That's

Right? That's EXACTLY what I thought. Hell, pearls aren't technically true minerals, since true minerals are abiogenic and inorganic. And Ambers…Ambers would be awesome.

True. Actually, the cut is a WHOLE different problem with each Gem's gem. Just in terms of mineral and crystal structure. To be fair, though, rose quartz IS pink in its natural form. Nowhere near as pink as Rose's (and Steven's) gem, but the basic color is correct, in that it's pink.

…Fair enough. Like I said: bird guy. OK, let me edit that. In Jasper's statement, the article "a" applies to Pearl as a noun. That makes sense. However, it doesn't absolutely make it a non-proper noun. "Pearl" in her statement could still be a proper noun. So, the statement itself was seen as ambiguous until now. I'm

…Except for the fact that Amethyst is ABSOLUTELY from Earth. Like…DEFINITELY. And that's confirmed in show, that ain't fan theory.

Well, to be fair, none of the Gems'…gems resemble their real world counterparts outside of color, expect maybe for Pearl's pearl. And even then, that's just barely.

No, not exactly. I'm gonna try to speak grammar and sentence structure, here, but I'm a bird person, so bear with me.

True, but according to a popular fan theory (that I literally just made up in a comment below, and that isn't really popular at all…yet), it's possible (and, actually, I didn't suggest this first part) that Pink Diamond merely adopted the name Rose Quartz. My contribution to the theory is this: she adopted that name

…OK, these are getting truly calc-heinous.

To a man, YES. YES IT IS.

I'm just imagining the Homeworld version of HGTV now.

That's not the only parallel, either. They began and ended the arc with Sardonyx, too! This really was the week of Sardonyx, like the Crewniverse said!

Well, they've already fought TWO giant hands, about time we got a foot.