Mad Hatter

I came late to the comments section today, but having just watched this episode about 2 minutes ago…I love this show so very much. I realize I've said that every episode so far this week, but, again, I LOVE THIS SHOW! Sorry for the lack of commentary on the episode (which was also great; the birth tape moment was

Two things about this title:

I think that it's only appropriate for us to once again repeat the age-old mantra:

And come to think of it, her high-jumping may be a by-product of Sapphire's floating ability. Granted, the Gems can all jump pretty high, but I don't think we've seen anyone jump quite as high as Garnet.

Plus, she can tolerate high heat, to the extent where she can survive at the bottom of a volcano. Not really an elemental ability, but it does show Ruby's contributions.

This…this is a great show. And I say that not because of how Ruby and Sapphire's relationship was handled, not because I love the fact that one controls hea while the other controls cold, not because I was happy to see some good character moments between Steven and his father, or because Sapphire and Greg made me

Yeah, it does. Quite often, actually. I suppose, at least for me, I kind of expect that from most live-action shows aimed for adults. I dn't really expect it from a show aimed at kids. Hell, even My Little Pony has been more emotionally effective than usual. Seriously, kids' TV is getting emotionally deeper that it

Well, at least in my case, I'm exaggerating. It does have emotionally effective moments, but it's not actually going to break my joy. It takes a LOT MORE than this stuff to actually break me (I watched Fruitvale Station without crying; this is speaking only for myself, though. Can't speak for the fanbase at large.).

I try.

Science or Love God potion?

Television, where we learned the truth about despair, as will you. There's a reason why this genre is now the worst hell on television… Hope. Every man who has ventured here over the past couple of months has looked up to the screen and imagined experiencing joy once again. So easy… So simple… And like shipwrecked men

That hope you have for a better tomorrow (literally)? It will die. Rebecca Sugar will make sure of it.

I WANT PICTURES!! PICTURES OF SPIDER-MAN!!! You know, that humanoid spider wandering around the forest outside the Mystery Shack. HE'S A MENACE!

This…is the day the BatmaMYSTERY SHACK died.

Rewind to last season

YOU BASTARD. collapses into tears and fetal position

"I get that a lot."

…You know, first we get Steven Universe, and now this. WHY IS CHILDREN'S TELEVISION TRYING TO BREAK ME.

Yeah, me too. It was "Rose's Room" that officially strapped me in for this emotional roller coaster. "Frybo" made me get in line, "Cat Fingers" made me STAY in line, "Steven the Sword Fighter" sat me in the seat, and "Rose's Room" officially buckled the seatbelt.

True. He's not perfect, but I'd still argue he has more insight into relationships than most of the cast.