Mad Hatter

NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Not charlessage! I didn't even know that was possible!

They'd BEtteR nOT!!

GAH SORRY! That said, though, what I said isn't…exactly…a spoiler. Still watch the episode. It's ridiculously worth it. Again, VERY sorry!

Or we could MAKE the leak happen. SERIOUSLY, I HAVE THE PITCHFORKS.

Vibe! Killer Frost! Flash Museum! Rip Hunter! Jay Garrick! Hawkgirl! ALL OF MY HYPE. ALL OF MY HYPE!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

I, uh…wow. Just…wow. Last week, we lost Simmons in S.H.I.E.L.D. Now…NOW…OH DEAR HELL, WHY DO WE HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL OCTOBER??? aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


Hmmm…what's that tingling sensation? Oh, right, that's just my heart breaking. DICHEN LACHMANN, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Our gorilla, who art in sewers, hallowed be thy brain…

…Fair enough.

Well, all right, that makes sense. But what "lack" are you percieving? Is it in reference to my comment, or elsewhere?

…OOT? I don't follow. And also…your username. I'm…I'm going to assume this was in jest because…well.

Eh, I dunno. Laurel's still irritating, yeah, but not the same way she used to be. Iris is sometimes a little grating, but I actually DO like her most of the time, despite her less-than-great moments. And then there's Zed, who's actually pretty tolerable as love interests go, if you can really call her that. Barbara…I

And the way that Tommy Lee Jones turned into Aaron Eckhart.

That would be amazing. And, if not the Music Meister, I'd still love to see NPH as the Fiddler.

All bad writing and no intellience makes Gotham a stupid show.

If they brought in Neil Patrick Harris for that, this show would get one MILLION times better.

Oh, that's RIGHT! It's ALL coming back to me now. I sent Film Freak to kill Bane! I don't think talks went well for him.

My God, that's right! They WERE in this show! WHERE DID THEY GO???!?

…No. It's not his fault that I didn't trust my instincts. Plus, if I did that, he'd just ind a way to get me back for it. No point in starting trouble. And, I do consider him a friend, whether he wants to admit it or not. No one gets added to the list over this.