Mad Hatter

oH BugGEr Me, i WaS GoiNg tO sAy THaT!!! aGAiN!!

Sooooooooo…Half-Life 3 confirmed?


…Fair enough. I've had to deal with copycats, myself. Granted, I did that by using DEatH, but that's a whole different situation.

…What? Are, uh…are you lost?

Now, go an have a daughter who rebels against you in her teenage years, becomes the superhero Spoiler, then becomes Robin, then gets killed by Roman Sionis, then DOESN'T get killed by Roman Sionis, then comes back as Batgirl (in a beloved series written by Bryan Q. Miller), then gets briefly erased from existence

Ooooh, I've been looking for a new razor wire man! My last one had an unfortunate accident at work. He fell down the stairs. I know, not what I expected either.

Whilst I'm not happy to be mentioned in association with the worst character in the series…I appreciate the mention. You're off my list.

…You know what? You've made so many puns tonight…I think you need a persona. Let's see, Joker's already taken…Cluemaster? Fits with the name.

Well, if at first you don't succeed and all that. After all, what was that thing that Einstein said about insanity and doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?

Anti-Monitor as Lrrr: If Gordon wishes to be taken seriously, why does he not simply tear the Commissioner's head off?

I think she has more than just Stockholm syndrome. A LOT more.

I didn't know how badly I wanted that until now.

Ah, Film Freak. I haven't seen him since that time I controlled his mind with one of my hats after Bane broke us all out of Arkham a part of an elaborate scheme to destroy Batman. Ah, good times. Whatever happened to him, anyway?

…You have WINGS. WHY ARE YOU NOT FLYING? Or teleporting with your MAGIC?

Sorry, but there's not villain in our universe with that name. Anti-Monitor and I will be back, though. Well, I will…probably. I can't really speak for Anti-Monitor. He night be devouring a universe at the time. He's busy like that.

I don't think anyone could take that fight seriously, despite the "grr" noise and the poor Jack Nicholson impression.

That would be the strangest weapon ever. That is Silver-Age quality. Well, it would be, if not for the Comics Code.

Fair enough. Also, should we invite Waylon? He's surprisingly good at the game, despite his…tough exterior.

Why, THANK you! Goodness, I'm feeling such love tonight. You're both off my list!