Mad Hatter

Yeah, it's justified, but…I don't know. That, combined with her near Hitler-esque views of Inhumans viewed earlier in the season…she used to be one of my favorite characters, and now I just don't know how to feel about her anymore. I suppose I'm just…disappointed. But, she's not a bad character. Her development is

Man…this was a good one. Summary of events (and I'm sorry if this is incomplete. It's 2:28 AM, give me a break):

I ranked HYDRA above Papa Midnite because, although Midnite was awesome, HYDRA had WAY more impact on the plot of the series and individual character developments than Papa Midnite EVER did. Midnite is a great one-in-a-while villain when he shows up. But HYDRA changed the show PERMANENTLY. They turned good characters

Yay! Someone else reconized that!

That would have been aweome. Destiny would be a great villain for the DCTV universe. Here's hopiing they use the good doctor in the upcoming Atom spin-off. He is a JLA villain, after all.

Didn't count that because it's on Netflix, honestly. That said, I'd put Fisk at #2. And that's ONLY because, at the end of the day, Thawne does more to Barry personally than Fisk did to Murdock.

Not to mention that in an accompanying ilustrated page for this episode, she straight up says the beginning of Justice League. We also know that the future league contains Flash, Atom, GREEN Arrow, and Hawkgirl. Grodd, I love this show.

"You're sooooo vaaaaaaiiiiin. You prob'ly think my plot is about youuu, Don't you? Doooon't yooooooou?

REEEEEEEALLY, now? Tell me, where can I flay hiFIND him?

Agreed. This list was more about the main villains of the series thus far. I actually just realized that I didn't put ANY Arrow villains on there. This will be fixed.

And Hawkgirl!

I'm waiting for that AND for Cisco to become Vibe. One goes to the side of good, the other to the dark side. Knowing this show, it's going to handle that REALLY well. Can't wait!

…And the night just keeps getting BETTER!!! WHOOOO!!!


Well, I say we take a look at it first, and then decide. Still not sure about it.

Well, THANK GRODD, that's overwith now. Worst part of the series, and it's DEAD! IT'S FINALLY DEAD!!

OK, so I just watched Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and I got enraptured in that piece of great (but that's something for another comment board), so I forgot a number ofthings that happened in this episode. So, let's make a list.

Well, it's about time!

Why, thank you! That's always the intention.

Whole-heartedly agreed. I would LOVE to see an adaptation of that story in any form, provided they don't use Loeb's costume design for me. That, I won't like. aT AlL.