Mad Hatter

Last week, my poem met success!
This week, we’ll have a second shot.
Some lows, some highs, let’s summarize
Tonight's events in Gotham's plot.

Apologies, princess. I will admit, I've dabbled in your little program. I quite appreciated the Cheshire grin you gave in season 2, actually, as well as your reference to the White Rabbit in another episode. I don't personally identify with the brony fandom, but I do appreciate your exploits on occasion.

Who's your knife man, by the way? I may want to borrow him for a little…project…I have in the works.

Well, damn. I got to the answer too late. I must say, though, Eddie, your counterpart was very much like you this episode, as you correctly noted. He acted like a right idiot in destroying the evidence the say he did, but his little message at the end was actually somewhat inspired. Foolish and needlessly

BLAST! I was actually going to guess that!

Fair enough. I, myself, have a home in Upstate New York when I'm not sitting here in Ark-ham. Right in the middle of some quiet tulgey woods. I suppose we all have our little hideaways. I must visit there after I've escaped.

…Wait…you live in Maryland? I was sure that you lived near, I don't know, the edge of the universe, or something. Anyway, you might as well give it a look. It wasn't bad, actually. Wasn't good, but it wasn't bad, either.

Second best episode of the series! Why? Because we're THIS CLOSE to the season being over! That will truly be a frabjuous day (and if anyone asks me to futterwhacken, they suddenly and unexpectedly find themselves WalKInG OfF a BRIdgE. God, I hate Tim Burton. One day. One day.)!

Well, all right. There IS nothing like some good nurdrage.

Same here. Excellent episode, through and through, just like all of them. I never thought I'd be looking forward to this show as much as I do every week.

…Yeah, I know. I just…I JUST CAN'T DO IT. It's far too similar to the original for me to just ignore that fact! But, yeah, I realize what I'm looking for is unrealistic (which is something I may or may not have expressed in my little-not-little rant).

Hea, hear. There's always something to be said about the merit of children's television.

Why, thank you. I try my very hardest not to succumb to the rude culture of the Internet. And I value rationality in arguments.

In truth, I don't consider it truly mindless. To me, it simply falls in with that group of kid's TV shows. More than once, this show has reminded of Johnny Test and other such. I will admit that (based on what I've seen of each), TTG is WAY better than Johnny Test. Also, I'm not saying that TTG has bad writing. I'm

Gonna be honest, I was considering getting one, and NOT for selfies. Yes for my phone, but not for selfies.

And then, Pearl gets stabbed by her own AI, and Connie learns the meaning of patience.

OK, Imma do a LONG comic book nerd and TT-lover rant for a second. Sorry. Has to be done. Gotta get this out of my system. You have been warned.

In the episode "Political Power", Mayor Dewey came to the house and referred to the Gems as "The Tall One," "The Purple One," and "The Hot One." Infer from there.

…Fair enough. I was mostly surprised because they don't seem to be in touch with many aspects of the human world, BECAUSE they've distanced themselves. Amethyst, admittedly, is a little more in touch than the others. Honestly, I always thought of Garnet and Pearl as being equally aloof to humans. I retrospect, though,

The whole episode just filled me with cringe for Jaime. That is, up until the actually heartfelt talk that Garnet had with him. Not only did she give him some insight into relationships, but she actually gave him good career advice. That honestly surprised me, because the gems have shown on repeated occasions that