Mad Hatter

This is my bright light after the dark day that is Mondays on Fox.

Fantastic episode. The ending was absolutely superb, and I CANNOT WAIT for next week's episode. Seriously, between this and all of the other shows, as well as the comic book movies coming out this year, this is shaping up to be one of my favorite years EVER.

Wil you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?

Well, we're all mad here.

Ah, Mr. McDowall. One of the many B:TAS actors who could play the characters in voice AND in real life. How I miss him.

I'd say so! The last time someone took my name, we met with some unfortunate results. For him.

…Could be. Could be.

Why, thank you! I was a biology major, myself. This penchant for rhyming came from a lifetime of reading the works of Mr. Caroll.

Please allow me a bow.

A tip of my 10/16 hat
To one who's as well-read as that.

Well, how was I to know that you didn't like hearing The White Knight's Song on a constant basis? I'm MaD, what do you want from me?

Oh, I'm hurt, Eddie. So very hurt. And to think, I was going to include you in the mass breakout from Arkham I have planned for next week! I may have to reconsider that, now.

Why, thank you! It will be placed on the finest place above my mantle. AFTER I study its inner workings and incorporate it into my hat and cards, naturally. Maybe into my clothing as well, just in case.

There are few of us left, honestly. Most of the Gotham-based rogues love killing, or at the very least, don't mind it. Napier, Jonathan, Harvey, Pamela, Ms. Quinzell, Karlo, Lynns, and so many of the others. You, Selina, and I may be some of the only ones left who don't actually like killing. Yes, I'll tell someone to

Agreed. This show never fails to disappoint.

…So a Bloody Mary for you, and a Cheshire Cat for me, then?

…You're currently entering a conversation with an insane murderous clown, a refined gentleman with perhaps a slightly unhealthy interest in the masterpieces that are the works of Lewis Caroll, a genius who spends most of his tme setting elaborate death traps for those who don't discern the answers to his riddles, and

Why, yes. I went there.

You know, out of curiosity, I looked that up on Google to see if that was actually canon. I found a Tumblr account called "Ask Jervis." Could you do me a favor and devour only that part of our universe?

Wait a second, I agreed with you, and all I got was an anvil. Granted, I lived, so I'm happy, but still. It's the principle of the thing.