Mad Hatter

Stooping to Sal Maroni's level, I see.

A poem here I aim to write
I’ll give it bit by bit
For Gotham’s great stupidity
Is begging to be writ.

In terms of the comic, it was basically the adventures continued, although it took place during or after the events of the series. That said (and again, SPOILERS if anyone reading this doesn't want one of the show's best storylines ruined), the Terra story was continued in one issue (pretty much all of the stories in

Well, to be fair, the story did continue to a certain degree in thecomic book series that accompanied the show. But in terms of the finale itself, I see where you're coming from. However, to me, whilst new questions were opened up, it did seem to be a strange, yet definitive conclusion. Not all endings are happy or

Well, that's at least one thing I like about the show. And, yeah, I suppose that was somewhat of a cliffhanger at the end of the series. Never really saw it that way, honestly.

No problem. I believe in courtesy in even the most trying situations. Plus, I get why you and others like the show. I personally just can't stand it for previously stated reasons, amongst others.

Yeah, but Pearl DID create an EMP with Gem knowledge and technology. Plus, we say Rose's light cannons, and the whole point of the episode was the mounting anxiety of the Gens against the coming threat. Seriously, this actually might be the bonafide first episode without any supernatural stuff in it.

Yay, Gumball!

Whoop, typo. Fixed. Thanks for the heads up.

The Crystal Gems: terrible judges of character.

That line just confirmed all of the reasons I love this show.

Throughout my entire childhood, teenagers in TV shows and movies were always irredeemable bullies and jerks (yes, I DID grow up in the '90s. How did you guess?) who bullied the protagonist. It just goes to show you how special Steven Universe is to have teenagers who are flawed, but not completely irredeemable. Even

I completely agree. Plus, once you know that the key has been stolen, again, WHY WOULD YOU GO DOWN THERE ALONE??? Ridiculousness. You have an armed force at your command, and you bring NO ONE WITH YOU. It's not senility. It's the writer's idiocy.

Not so sure. He said earlier in the show that he knows vibrations well. I think it'll either be technology or a second particle accelerator exploion. These are my theories.

Well, you've missed the regular conversations between me and other DC Comics villains in the comments section of the A.V.Club reviews. Other than that, not much.


Difference between the superhero shows: I'm dreading the season finales of Gotham and Arrow (because of anticipated irritation and depression respectively), but I cannot wait for the finales of Flash and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. iZombie I'm not so sure about. Yet.

Not the style of dear Ms. Kyle. I once tried painting little Cheshire grins on her cat-shaped caltrops that she sometimes uses. She seemed appreciative of them, but I'm not sure she ever uses them.

Oh, I definitely meant mimsy. I talk in the vernacular of the great Mr. Caroll quite a bit, you know.

Oh, it's far too late for that. We're ALL mad here.