Mad Hatter

Ah, B:TAS. Even the worst episodes were way, WAY better than the entirety of Gotham. Even the Penguin episodes. And most of those were TERRIBLE.

Well, Dish (at least the system I have) has this thing called PrimeTime Anytime, which is an automatic recording of all the primetime shows on NBC, CBS, ABC, and FOX. And that can't be canceled. So, yeah, it basically HAS to record on my DVR.

…Oh, GOD, you're right. And THAT…is very bad.

I think that you'll find that the title of this episode is "Beasts of Prey." You'll also find that Birds of Prey was a terrible series from the early 2000s.

Oh, dear Lord, you're writing a fanfic.

I am aware of Oswald's murderplot. But the entire subplot was a pathetic waste of my valuable time and patience. If it was more interesting, maybe I wouldn't mind it. But it wasn't. Just another pointless exercise in futility, that somehow had a point to it.

Speak for yourself! I started in denial, went to depression, then barganing, then acceptance, and now I'm stuck in anger!

Well, I'm glad you're so optimistic. I anticipate no such upturn with the finale. I predict a cliffhanger that will not be satisfyingly resolved upon the season 2 premiere.

Why, thank you, good sir! You're officially off my list.

Well, to be fair, he WAS able to control the emotions of three separate worlds whilst under your thrall. Granted, he burned out immediately after going it, but still…

Lucky you. Dish automatically records it. Some of us don't have the luxury of cancelling it.

Agreed. I will continue dreaming about that until reality shatters my hopes. As it always does with this show.

…Eh, makes as much sense as anything else in this show.

Oh, be nice to Roger. At least he was…never mind, you're right. That was a terrible choice.

Well, we saw shades of him tonight. Well, either him or a dangerous sociopath ready to murder anyone who crosses him. Like I said, shades.

Fair enough. I've mostly been in my tea. The guards I've secretly mind-controlled were able to smuggle in a case of Gold Tea Buds from Singapore. Exquisite.

Somewhere, a Gotham writer has read this comment and said to themselves, "That's it! We'll put Matthew Thorne in the show next!" So thank you for that. Yet another bastardized DC Comics character added to the roster.

Come now, it's more than just mediocre. It's downright terrible! Most of us are just hate-watching at this point. Come and join the hateful fun! Will you, won't you, will you, won't you?

…Pull the other one.

I'm assuming that these "kids" of which you speak are locked in a dark, windowless room and shown Gotham on a constant loop. Because that's the only way any child would enjoy this show.