Mad Hatter

"And that other kid Wilbur Day. He's so tall! It's like he's always wearing stilts, man."

Hear, hear! Nasty dialogue always sounds better from a UK accent.

Well, now that I've woken up from that soporific mess of an episode, my mind is clear enough to ask a few questions.

Oh, come now, no need to be so harsh. CSPAN is FAR too good to replace Gotham. A show in which the main and only focus is watching a freshly painted wall dry is sufficient enough to replace it.

What, no pulling of the lever? Not that it would work, but still…

You spare the Gotham by Gaslight universe, and you've got yourself a deal, my terrifying universe-devouring friend.

I believe the term you're looking for is "a terrible scene that is part of a terrible show with terrible plot devices."

Ah, yes, that Convergence business. With any luck, I'll end up battling Nekron himself. Not sure I'll make it out of that one.

The ability to brew a fine cup of tea? Or to cook a nice parfait?

Twinkle, twinkle, little bat,
Where is all the interest at?

I kinds see where he's coming from honestly. I'm willing to bet that both this episode's grade AND last episode's grade were caused by a contradiction of expectation. Say Uncle got an A because it was WAY better than anyone expected it to be. Not necessarily because it was good, but because it somehow wasn't the worst

Eh, I don't know. It was better than a "B", but I wouldn't say it's an "A". "A-" or "B+" maybe. Personally, I didn't get nearly enough of Rose and Greg's budding relationship. And, at least for me, I think the awesome song in the sneak peek set my expectations too high. Honestly, I think the only REAL flaw in this

I'm not that old (early 20's, but I legitimately remember having to learn how to use an abacus in school at a VERY young age. I still do not know why, and I've basically forgotten how to use them, too.

I DO remember Megas XLR. Never really watched it that much, myself, but I remember being intrigued by it as a kid.

Well, I think so. I'll double check.

That, uh…that's not saying much, really.

Yeah, I feel you. I still watch the show, but the third season was a absysmal. The fourth was better, though, so I'm looking forward to the fifth. Even the CMC got some quality episodes in the fourth season. Still not looking forward to their episodes in the next season, the existence of which is inevitable.

And that makes four of us. BRING ON THE SMOOZE.

Though about that, too, actually. Lance has black hair (well, he did before shaving his head), so who's to say that he couldn't fear a yelow canary outfit with his black h-and the image is back in my head again.

It is, admittedly, a sign of lazy writing. An attempt to create something familiar to cultural sensibilites, but not too familiar as to offend and limit the audience of the show. Usually, I can get past that, though. That's not really one of the reasons I don't watch the show. Hell, I grew up in the '90s. I'm