Mad Hatter

True, but color aside, my point stands. As does the image in my head.

Well, let's be fair. Barry is relatively innocent, and WAY more trusting than Ollie EVER was. Kinda makes sense that he's revealed his identity to so many people. Plus, his father had already figured that out. Now Eddie? Still not sure about that one.

And now I'm imagining Lance in a yellow Black Canary outfit. Thanks for that.

Well, she was already on Smallville, to be fair. And we have a LONG way before we introduce magic into this universe (ala MCU and Doctor Strange).


Well, they've introduced Maseo and Katana, like you said. I'm assuming that something VERY BAD is gonna happen to Akio, which will drive Maseo and Tatsu apart, and push Maseo to become a member of the League. Hopefully, this means that Katana will be a part of Team Arrow in the season finale. Outside of that, though?

Well, three mayors dead over the course of three seasons? I'm not surprised that the news cycle doesn't seem to care. They probably give a speech to every major upon inauguration about the inevitability of their assassination whilst in office. Like Midnight saud, just another Tuesday.

Lance: …Yeah, all right.

…I'm open to suggestions.

Agreed. I mean, both dramtically shook up the status quo of the series, both gave a SEVERE blow to the main protagonist(s), both recontextualized heroes into effective villains, AND both completely destroyed me emotionally (he said as he cried in the corner), but at least I still want to WATCH Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

…No repercussions? And I choose the person?

Lance: I AM THE ARROW!!!

Kirk Douglas: I am the Arrow!

I'm done. I can't watch this show any more. I want to be happy. I WANT TO BE HAPPY!!!! cries quietly in the corner

Sounds like a mystical object. Behold…THE WIG OF YOUTH!!!

I thought so, actually. Can't remember when or to whom, though. To Gideon, maybe? Pretty sure this is the first time Barry's heard of it. And, either way, we got to hear him desribe it in full this time.

Come on, man. I admittedly did miss the main character bit (and the "s"), but this comment was NEVER INTENDED TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. I'm not trying to "pretend I had a point." It was all in good fun. Don't be like that.

First of all, it's all in good fun, man.
Second of all, Singh is absolutely not a main character. Definitely recurring.

Well, his Gargoyle wasnt great, but…who am I kidding, he's awesome.

Well, there's also Linda Park, the Tricksters, Weather Wizard, Heat Wave, Golden Glider, Captain Boomerang (maybe), Peek-a-Boo, Cisco's brother and parents, Jason Rusch, Pied Piper's parents, and that one cop that one time.