Mad Hatter

You always must wonder whether our respected voice actors could be us in live action. Mr. Hammill is obviously quite qualified (althouh I'm not sure how James feels about his performance, honestly). I'd always like to think that my dear Mr. McDowall would have done just as well. Alas, he rests within the Red King's

Hey, I have faith. Wouldn't put it past them.

Hello, Napier. Surprised to see you so early. I expected you and Eddie (Nygma, not Thawne) on the Gotham boards next week, not here. Honestly surprised none of the Central City Rogues have popped up in these boards yet.

You know…I wouldn't put it past the show's creators. They love us comic book nerds so much (as exemplified so perfectly by this episode), I wouldn't put it past them. Hell, if Smallville can give us Earth-3, then why can't this series give us Earth-2!?

Don't worry. We all said the same thing. WE ARE A HIVE MIND. A VERY NERDY HIVE MIND.

I laughed because it's such a straight line that serves as a contrast to the proper reaction to the situation presented at that particular moment.

Gotta admit, that both made me deliriously happy and confused at the same time.

This…this was magical. Seriously, I almost cried, this was so beautiful. Mark Hammill as the Trickser, Axel Walker as the Trickster II, the revelation of Reverse-Flash's true origins, Barry's realization that Wells isn't on the level, his identity revealed to both his father (officially) AND to Eddie, Iris' official

So it's The Flash, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and iZombie. Yeah, Tuesday is now my favorite night.

Worst part about it is that their comments were deleted before I could rip apart that evolution argument one of them put up. Granted, that would have just continued the useless comment train, but, as a biology teacher, I at least would have enjoyed trying to see them argue against it.

Oh, nothing much. Just someone saying that they really hoped Garnet wasn't made of two lesbians, and that the same kind of thing turned them away from Clarence, AND that they were tired of children's programs trying to brainwash our kids.

OK, first of all, stop upvoting your own comments. It doesn't help make your views more credible.

I REALLY hope you're trolling. And if not…well, they aren't trying to brainwash anyone. They're just showing a loving relationship that could exist in the real world. If anything, it's exposure, not brainwashing. It's simply the presentation of something that a child may observe and encounter. It IS up to parents to

Really? I saw it as the Hand of God as pictured in Michelangelo's "The Creation of Adam." I mean…it does make sense.

Garnet was already my favorite character in this show. Now…she might be one of my favorite characters on television. Seriously, I never expected this show to be this good when I started watching it. I am happier than should be possible right now.

Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction. God, I love this show so much.

BOOM. Best character.

Come on guys, this is ridiculous! She's a cartoon! They ALL are! This makes no-I mean, it's not like-I mean…

Awesome! I tip my mercury-laden hat to you, AV Club and Eric Thurm! Official coverage of this awesome show has been needed for a while.