Mad Hatter

I vote for Gumball!

The seccession has succeeded! Fry bits for everyone!

Same here. After all, the last third of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D's first season was fantastic, after a relatively mediocre start.

Ah, so it's the window then. I'll be sure to send her flowers when she returns. Perhaps some tiger lilies!

…Yes. Yes, it is. Whilst I could get quite frumious at that remark, I'm going to choose to ignore it and get back into my tea.

Just realized what your final sentence said. Oh, that's not the LEAST bit insulting, Eddie. Well, I'm just glad my turn to villainy wasn't inspired by my own oVEr-InFLAteD EGo. HoW TrITe.

Or nanotechnology. Or is that just me?

True, but for me, a man flying away whilt tied to a giant weather balloon (which is evidence that the WRITERS don't know how balloons work) is FAR less ridiculous than a Frankenstain woman with Jeffrey Combs' head.

Ah, so the two of you are in a rut again. What was it this time? Did she step on one of your lines during a heist, or did you throw her through a window? Again.

Well, yes, but Pamela isn't exactly human anymore. She also controls plants with her mind and can kill with a kiss.

Perhaps you just can't handle chamomille.

Well, Arrow managed to pull off Brother Blood. And I would welcome an adaptation of Etchison on this show. He's an individual with whom they could ACTUALLY do a good job (assuming the writers of this hogswallop were even the LEAST bit competent). Same with Mr. Kuttler and Mr. Knight. Even Nocturne could be a

They do that and I'll give them SUCH a pinch.

…I'm going to choose to take that "haberdasher" comment as a compliment.

Well, we've all had female compatriots at one time or another. haven't we? I may ring Jenna one of these days, see how she's doing. Her gimmick might be one of the more ridicuous, but I always liked her.

I must say, Eddie, your counterpart truly irritated me this week with his insipid talk about pheromones. As a neurobiologist with expertise in psychology AND biochemistry, take it from me that humans DO NOT produce pheromones (at least as far as we know)! I expected better of your counterpart.


Well, considering their origins for Jonathan, Selina, Eddie, and Pamela, I wouldn't put it past them. I shudder in anticipation of their origins for Victor and the good Dr. Strange. And God forbid I get a counterpart in this series.

I believe he is simply a Victim of his casting agent, who must not be a very Sage man.

I resent that implication, sir! I am NOT interested in her in that way at ALL, and never would I be! Lewis Carroll was accused of that, and my association with him leads people to believe the same, but it is FALSE!