Mad Hatter

To be fair, that may not be Napier. He's more likely the boy at the end of the next episode, Red Hood.

…You're on my list.

So was I, to be honest. I quite enjoy Eddie's little riddles. The one good thing about this frumious mess of a series. And thank you for the compliment about my poem! I do try to come up with witty verses between fits of madness. You're officially off of my list. Congratulations!

Really, Napier, MUST you be so crass? I rather like Barbara Gordon. There's something very…interesting about her.

This episode actually wasn't the worst of the season, by far. This surprises me, as it included a Frankenstein-esque woman with Jeffrey Combs' head, which is by far the most ridiculous thing this show has produced thus fae. And the second episode, the SECOND…EPISODE…featured the bloody Balloonman as the villain.

But…but that actually WAS Jeffrey Combs, I'm sorry to admit. That REALLY WAS Combs. Jonathan is currently RANTING endlessly about it.

I just saw a woman
With Jeffrey Combs’ head.
It’s official. Last week’s hope
Is now completely dead.

My pleasure. And thank you for referring to me as "Dr."! It's rare that people remember that.

Well, to be fair, this is a town over which a man flies like a tea-tray in the sky, a clown is the most feared individual in the city, banks are robbed on a regular basis, a giant spotlight was installed onto the roof of a police station to summon previously mentioned tea-tray-bat-man, and the prisons and insane

Admittedly, I did think about that, and that is a nice subtle touch. IF it was intentional. And, based on the past exploits of Gotham's writers, I'm not convinced that it was. And, still, that doesn't change the creepiness of the scene and the despicable qualities of Barbara's character.

Well, he DID seem to have a natural aversio towards Fish. Either way, I'm glad that this show's inconsistent writing got rid of that terrible scene from last week.

Well, it would deprive us of any more of this dreadful plot. Plus, given the unusually high number of spontaneous shootings in tonight's episode, I wouln't put it past them. But not with Jada Pinkett Smi-I mean Fish Mooney. She's too valuable and important an acto-character.

The writers of Gotham.

So, Eddie, were you pleased or even more pleased not to be graced with your character's appearance on the show tonight?

Honestly, I felt bad for both Selina AND Ivy in that scene. The way she tells Selina that she has "true beauty" is intensely creepy in itself (as is the advice she gives in terms of using her…feminine wiles *shudder*), but she compliments Selina RIGHT IN FRONT OF IVY, who's already messed up. That'll just add to her

Well, based on the previews and the sheer unadulterated idiocy of this show thus far (especially with the Fish Mooney plots), they won't take that option, and she'll be left alive. Because, as Eddie rightfully pointed out, all of the characters on this programme (except maybe for Alfred) are idiots.

Curiouser and curiouser. This one wasn't bad. OK, it wasn't the worst. Wasn't Flash or Arrow or Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Agent Carter or even Constantine quality, but it also wasn't typical Gotham quality either.

The Red Hood is a crimson brand
Akin to Scarlet Letter
So was this episode outstanding?

Wait, what do youOHDEARGRODDIGETIT. That is hilarious.

I'm still considering the possibility that Thea has crossed over to the dark side wihout Oliver knowing. I would not be surprised if it turns out that she aleady knew about Oliver before last week, KNEW about Sarah (somehow, although I don't know how she could possibly reconcile that betrayal of her freidn