Mad Hatter

As a recent convert from Time Warner to Dish, I sympathize.

…You know, I consider myself a higher echelon comic book nerd. Even I didn't know who Mopee was. I tip my nerd cap to you, good sir. You have outnerded me this day.

Man, Tuesdays are a good day!

Éirinn go Brách.

…Well, I guess I'm going to Hot Topic. Who's coming with?

Well, to be fair, those guys are either dead, imprisoned, or in Pittsburgh. Except for Hartley. There IS Hartley. And Stein's wife come to think of it.

Yeah, same here. And the nearest Hot Topic to me is, like, an hour away. I don't care, I'll walk if I can get that shirt there!

Doesn't matter. If they have to watch their own work, THEY BETTER DO IT. THIS UNIVERSE MUST GROW.

We all feel your pain, man. We ALL feel your pain.

Do me a favor and upload that onto YouTube. Gonna watch that every morning when I wake up, and every night as I go to sleep.

While we're at it, HEY!!! MAKERS OF THAT NEW TEEN TITANS SHOW ON TNT AND THE CBS SUPERGIRL SHOW!! Yeah, I'm talking to you! You watch this. NOW! You hear me? WATCH IT. WATCHIT!

Tomorrow, go to your neighbor and explain your perfectly reasonable outburst. SOON, HE WILL BECOME ONE OF US.

RIGHT??? SO glad we're getting a second season.

I, uh…I'm not sure that works.
You know what? I'll allow it.

Made me cry tears of pure, incarnate joy. Grodd, I love this show!


Well, given that the show comes back on St. Patrick's Day, this WOULD be a fitting way to celebrate its return.

Makes St. Patrick Day that much more of a celebration.

What got me was Grodd walking upright and BRAINTALKING. Grodd, I love this show.

Have not yet gotten into Justified. Good, I take it?