Mad Hatter

To be honest, I was going to suggest that. After all, I'm the one who mind-controlled him during that Knightfall business. Granted, that didn't end well…

Perhaps I can fix that. I've been slipping some homemade mind controlling cards into the good doctor's personal deck over the last few sessions. Perhaps I can "suggest" an amendment to those rules.

Well, I'm not surprised. Williams DOES seem like Napier's style. And in terms of sentimentality, I can understand that. I mourned for a LONG time at the death of Roddy McDowall. And, whilst I don't know how you felt about Frank Gorshin, I'm sure you won't be happy when Glover eventually vanishes into the Red King's

Ugh, probably. I've a prediction, though. I'm willing to bet that your counterpart will get in trouble by the end of the season, and will end up leaving the GCPD, one way or another. Next season, FakeNygma will start his own detective agency, probably unsuccessfully. AND, if my counterpart DOES appear next season, we

You know, if he was a REAL hero, he would have taken out Heller and the idiotic writers of this show by now. Taken all of us out of our misery. Then again, he's probably enjoying the exploits of little Wayne and his butler. Wayne is friends with the Bat, after all. Plus, the best scenes in the series involve those

So did I! If by "liked" you mean "continued to despise the existence of Barbara as a character." However, the sentence falls apart in that case.

Eh, I changed my mind. I am wont to do that, you know. And Deever and Dumphrey are no longer a part of my gang! I did make them nearly eviscerate each other in Arkham, after all. They paid dearly for their little stunt.

Think of yourself as more of a trendsetter.

I consider myself enlightened to the true madness of the world around us, rather than a true supervillain. Then again, I have forced a few people to walk off bridges. And held the city hostage with my Wonderland gang. AND mind-controlled half of the city of Meropolis by using coffee laced with brain-manipulating

Oh, come now, it's all in good fun! Unless you'd like to join my Wonderland gang. We've been looking for a new Mock Turtle. The last one got turned into soup. By which I mean he got arrested. For shoplifting a potato chip bag. Seriously. Not even kidding.

…True. Lord, I just realized we're getting a second season of this show. The more seasons this show has, the more likely it will be that MY counterpart will make an appearance. Lovely.

Or the ringmaster and the REST of the circus, whose idiotic actions in and out of the rink resulted in the police coming in, and in the arrest of the circus members. Seriously, if they wanted to keep it as an internal matter, why would they bring attention to it ON STAGE?

Even your counterpart, Eddie? Never mind, I know the answer to that. Honeslty, I'm just glad we were spared the romance between FakeNygma and Kringle this week.

Thought you meant Jason Todd there for a second. Felt that a tad…inappropriate. Then again, you're the one commenting, so that shouldn't have surprised me.

Well, we already have DC characters in these comments. Why not bring Marvel in on the fun?

WE ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON!! I may lose myself in my own Wonderland occasionally, but I am and NEVER HAVE BEEN that pathEtic ImpOStEr!!!

Oh, I took care of him WELL before the Crisis. Yes, he and I had a wonderful…talk. And a nice walk down the rabbit hole.

Ugh, yes, that plaid suit was hideous, wasn't it? For what it's worth, the animated version of you always rubbed me the wrong way. Taken out by a mere robot? You are FAR too powerful for that to make an iota of sense.

Amusing, Napier, as always. Also, that wasn't a no. Care to share your caper, Napier?

I was watching from afar, in truth. I am rather short, and admittedly hard to notice. Or maybe I wasn't there. I can't really speak for myself, as I'm not really myself, you see.