Mad Hatter

I must admit, that man WAS a poor excuse for a Joker. Or an actor. Or, really, anything worth paying attention to.

He's in the comments above. He also happens to be in the cell down the hall, ranting like a maniac. I think Jonathan has joined him. It's putting me off my tea.

Oh, come now, Eddie. No need for insults. Also, he essentially ATE A UNIVERSE. I think I can be forgiven for not attacking him with a Vorpal Blade.

At least that would be fun.

To be fair, Anti-Monitor, you are essentially a God. Not sure we had any other options. And I agree, that jumpsuit was awful. Love the suit, though.

Oh, please, Eddie, I'm in no mood for your riddles tonight. Napier's already cackling up a storm, and that, combined with this terrible episode, has given me a massive headache.

Curioser and curioser, said I. It truly is astonishing how terrible this show continues to be. From the fake scenery-chewing Jokid, to the destruction of Butch (a favorite character of mine, if there's really such a thing in this show), from the Romeo and Juliet cliches, to the ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE Barbara Kean, to the

Go knock on some doors.

Ah, yes. That whole mess from a bit back. If I recall, dear Arnold (whom I liked when he was alive, I must say; his partner Scarface, however, I was NOT very fond of) was accompanied by the Triggers, Margaret Pye, and the rather repulsive Mr. Etchison. Thankfully, I never got that little black ring on my finger. I

Noooooo…she couldn't be…could she?

…Well, it was bound to happen. How's it going, Napier? Escaped yet, or are you saving that for AFTER next week's episode?

Don't give the fan-fiction writers any MORE fuel!

I must say, Reardon is one of the strangest people I've ever seen walked through Arkham. And THAT'S saying something.

Ah, yes. Joker reguarly regales new inmates with that story. Heard it more times than I care to remember.

Oh, Lord. If they introduce Napier that way, he might kill the entire CITY. In any case, next week won't be pretty.

Honestly, I'm surprised there aren't more of us on here. After all, Oswald, Harvey, Ms. Kyle, Pamela, Jonathan, Victor (Zsasz, not Fries…yet), Roman, and even Barton have appeared on the show in one way or another at this point. And I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Napier reared his Cheshire grin on these

I must say, I'm beginning to agree with you. Which is a shame, as I'm somewhat invested for obvious reasons. Still, if I have to watch one more moment of Jada Pinkett Smith's scenery chewing, or nonsensical plot, or Eddie's INFURIATING romantic pursuits, I may go stark-raving mad. And, for me, that's saying something!

May I use my hats in the fight?

Ugh, Stirk. Almost forgot about him. Haven't seen him since that "No Man's Land" nonsense. Jonathan HATES Stirk, and I'm not too fond of him, either. Aaron is quite sweet though. Well, until you make him angry, obviously. He and Humphrey often spend time together. Plus, Jonathan is obsviously fascinated by him.

Ah, but if you WIN, you GET the money from us lunatics. And I know how much you LOVE to win, Eddie. Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the bet?